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Morning came, and Johnny groaned as he sat up in bed. He could feel the soreness in his body from yesterday's adventures. It had been a physically and emotionally taxing journey, and Johnny knew that he and Kenshi needed some time to recover. Thankfully, they would have the whole day to rest, or so he hoped that to be the case.

The movie star was starting his day with a shower. The monastery's communal showers had been quite an adjustment for him, but since he missed his shower last night, he'd have to go in the morning. Johnny just hoped there wouldn't be too many people in there with him. Heading into the communal shower room, he stopped to place his things down when he noticed someone else's clothes there, but they looked familiar. Cage just started to get undressed to go to the shower without thinking much about it. He picked up the bucket to manually dump the water over his body when suddenly, there was a loud bang, almost like a clutter of items falling. It sounded to be on the other side of the room.

Johnny, wrapped in a towel, cautiously made his way toward the source of the loud noise, his bare feet padding softly on the stone floor of the communal shower room. As Johnny rounded the corner, his fists were ready to defend himself, but then his gaze fell upon Kenshi. The swordsman was trying to pick up a mess of shampoo bottles and body wash that fell on the ground. Johnny lowered his hands and went over to him quickly. "Hey, Takahashi? Everything okay?" he asked worriedly.

Kenshi turned toward Johnny, and despite his blindfold covering his eyes, he knew it was Johnny by his voice. "I'm fine, Cage," Kenshi replied calmly. "Just an accident with the shelf. I apologize for the noise.". Kenshi was in only a towel, the man's skin more exposed than any of them had seen since knowing Takahashi. That's when the movie star noticed the tattoos on Kenshis skin. Johnny had known the guy was tatted just from seeing his hands, but this was a whole body tattoo that he wouldn't have expected Kenshi have if he hadn't just seen it.

Johnny just stood there for a moment while looking at them, kinda in shock at the details on them. That was before Kenshi knocked over another bottle with a clunk. Kenshi must have been trying to get the shampoo when he accidentally knocked the shelf over. "You didn't bring Sento with you?" Johnny asked, kneeling to help him pick up the rest of the mess. "No, I didn't bring Sento," Kenshi added. "I didn't think I'd need it for a shower, nor did it seem appropriate when those are my ancestors inside it." He mentioned as he answered Johnny's question. The movie star's gaze lingered a little more over Kenshi's tattoos. "Ah, right. Yeah, that makes more sense." Johnny said, feeling a little dumb for his suggestion, lowering his gaze back to the bottles.

They finished picking up the mess and putting it back on the shelf. Cage helped Takahashi get up by his arm. One hand held Kenshi's forearm while the other was placed on his back to help him balance out. "Since you can't bring Sento in the shower, let me help you." Johnny offers, guiding the other to the pool of water. Kenshi stoped and kinda looked at the other with a 'what the fuck-' look. "Cage, that's far from appropriate," Kenshi remarked, kinda taken aback by this strange and awkward offer . Johnny hadn't thought that into it when he suggested it, but now that Kenshi pointed it out. It did seem way inappropriate. "Come on, man. Don't make it weird. I just meant to get you set up, and you can clean yourself, pervert." Johnny said, folding his arms across his chest. "Me the pervert-. You were the one wanting to help me shower." Kenshi pointed out with a confused look on his face. "Right, but I just said I didn't mean it like that." Johnny groaned at the other's teasing.

Johnny couldn't help but feel embarrassed at his unintentionally inappropriate offer to help Kenshi. He hadn't meant for it to come across that way, but he understood Kenshi's concern. "Here, just let me." Johnny unfolded his arms and  grabbed his showering supplies before he gave Kenshi his bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Cage then gently guided Takahashi's tatted hand over the first bottle. "This is the shampoo," he explained, his voice patient. "And the next one over is the conditioner, followed by the body wash. They're all in order now."

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