Write a letter to your 13 year old self

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Dearest 13 year old self,

It's been over ten years since I last saw you. So many things have gone on and changed since then. I don't know if it's a good idea to spoil the future for you and have you decide your own destiny. Like in the movies, you can't change anything when travelling back in time or you'll mess up a time line. So I'll make it brief and advice worthy.

I remember when I first turned thirteen. I was at a private school  (my first high school), or the year after I was starting fresh at Chess. I know things are hard for you right now. A new environment, new friends, constant conflict with the boys I didn't get along with. You know why? Because I was different. I was abit too quiet. And kids can detect people that are different. I started acting act because of it. Being a bit too weird. 

You will form a connection with the girls. Yasmin, Bethany, Lana, Julie. They were all once a constant in my life at one point and meant very much to me. You will have this with another group of people.

I'm 24 now and to be fair I don't feel much different from when I was thirteen. Most of the time I'm pretending to fit a mold society tells me to and constantly remind myself I am an adult!

Our auntie's and uncle's have a few kids now. You've been through quite a few different drama's here and there. Experienced a romance here and there, but it was short term and so not worth it. I wonder what my 30 year old self would write to myself now?

Enjoy your time at Gorges Riv, and know that you're not alone. That things will get better. Pay attention in class and do your homework. Just be yourself!

My five months of being thirteen at Chess. We didn't know anyone except Vy and Mylinh. I remember not talking for months. Because we were shy kids with social anxiety. At that point I wanted to return to Gorges riv. I missed my old friends.

I guess I'd advise you to enjoy being young, thirteen and the years before the HSC. What I enjoyed most about High School were my friends. And looking back I honestly wouldn't change a thing. The past make us who we are today.

We were a bit of a freak and an ugly duckling, probably still am. But you know what? WHO CARES!

Have our dreams of stardom come true? Well. No. But I'm taking baby steps!

All I can say is be yourself, study a bit harder and ask for help when needed, it might spare my obliviousness to the day, follow through with therapy, make lots of friends. Follow your heart and just enjoy it while it lasts. Guess I'd say the same about the present moment at 24. From the outside looking in my 30 year old self would most likely tell me to enjoy being young while it lasts.

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