Chapter 5

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Drew's POV


What is it going to take to get to this woman?

I slump back in my chair feeling annoyed and defeated.

The attraction is obviously there.

I know she can feel it.

Her stubbornness however is what's keeping her from giving in.

I love a good chase but, this one is particularly difficult.

"Drew? Are you busy?"

I look up and see Anna poking her head inside.

She works for the design team and often comes in here to discuss new plans she's working on.

On occasion, she has hidden beneath my desk while I worked but, it was her idea.

She enjoyed the risk even though I made sure the door was locked and she was not in view.

Don't get me wrong, it was hot as fuck but I still feel like she has the wrong idea about us.

"Not at the moment. What do you need?"

She gives me a smile and shows me the new design that she's working on and wants to know if I can work it.

It's a solid piece and I think it'll do great for the new company we're working with so I give her the go ahead.

"Just make sure you run it by miss Sanchez as well since she will be pushing it."

She rolls her eyes and sits on the edge of my desk as I start typing on my computer.

"Honestly, what does everyone see in that girl? It's like she was put on a pedestal the moment she walked in the door."

I shrug.

"She's a hard worker and great with people. There's not much not to like about her."

I don't even have to turn my head to know that she's giving me a look.

It's like this one spot on the side of my face gets hot from her glare.

"Since when do you speak up for people?"

I finally turn to her with a blank expression on my face.

"What do you mean? I'm just saying she's good. I see why everyone favors her."

She raise an eyebrow and I watch as she basically crawls across the desk to me.

"Sounds to me like someone has a crush on the new office princess."

I roll my eyes and wave her off as I read over my emails.

I find her attractive, yes, but only because I want to Fuck her.

Nothing more.

"Oh don't give me that."

She reaches over and grabs my tie so that she can pull my attention to her.

"Youuu like her."

I scoff and grab her waist, pulling her off of my desk and onto my lap.

"Shouldn't you be jealous or something?"

She shrugs, twirling my tie between her fingers.

"It's come to my attention that you don't like me in that way. Although it breaks my heart, I don't mind. As long as I still get what I want, I'm content."

She drags her finger from my collarbone up to my chin and I can't seem to take my eyes off of her.

There's a reason why she ends up in my bed every weekend.

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