A Magical Misadventure

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It was a beautiful fall day with the sun just starting to rise into the sky. Mugman slowly woke up before slowly climbing out of bed. "Hey Cuphead, wake up. It's time to for another fun adventure," he told Cuphead with a smile, but he heard no response from him. "Cuphead?" he asked in a worried voice. He then pulled back the cover on his bed and saw a piece of paper with some writing on it resting on the pillow. Mugman picked up the paper and saw the writing on it. "Hello there Mugman. If you want to find your brother, you're going to have to go on a little treasure hunt to find the clues that will lead you to him. I hope you can make it because I know your brother is dying to see you," the note said on the front side of it. Mugman quickly got nervous and turned the note over to read the first clue. "Roses are red, violets are blue, the grass is green, and you need to find a place where all are in view," the back of the note said. He instantly knew where to find the clue, so he hastily got dressed and hurried out of the cottage and toward Inkwell Park.

At Inkwell Park, at that moment, Celina was at the park looking at the various flowers before spotting Mugman running toward her. "Hey Mugman, what's going on?" she asked him. "Cuphead's been kidnapped by someone," said Mugman. "Not again," Celina said while facepalming herself, "Got any leads on who it could be?" "Not yet, but I got a note saying that there was a clue here." Mugman said before spotting a small bottle with a blue liquid inside it, "Celina, have you seen anything like this before?" "It looks like a potion bottle but I don't know what kind of potion it is," Celina said before taking the potion bottle from his hands. She then opened up the bottle before placing a drop of the liquid on the ground. The blue liquid began to steam up with the steam forming into a mirror shape. "Celina? Is this normal?" Mugman asked her in a slightly frightened voice. "Not usually Mugman," Celina said nervously. The steam mirror then showed them someone wearing a mauve cloak. "Hello there Mugman, it's good to finally meet you," the person in the cloak said with a chuckle. "Who are you, and why have you kidnapped Cuphead?" Mugman asked. "You may call me Mystique and as to why I took your brother, that's for me to know and for you to figure out," the person known as Mystique said with a sinister smile. "Figures," Mugman said with an unimpressed look on his face. "Speaking of which, I bet you want to hear my next riddle so you can figure out where I am," Mystique said to him. Mugman glared at her for a moment. "Oh! I forgot to mention that if you find out where I am, you can also save your brother from me before I do something bad to him," Mystique added with a sly chuckle. Mugman sighed before looking at her. "Okay Mystique, what's your little riddle?" he asked her in an annoyed voice. "To find your next clue, you need to look close. Find a place where the sea and shore meet and a cool wind blows. Good luck Mughead," Mystique told him with a light chuckle with the mirror ending its call. Celina blinked twice before looking at Mugman. "Did she just call you 'Mughead'?" she asked him. "Yes she did, and I don't like it one bit," said Mugman. "Me neither, but we need to find out where the sea and the shore meet so we can find the next clue," Celina said while crossing her arms. Mugman thought for a moment before getting an idea. "I think she was talking about the beach," he said. "You got a point, the sea and the shore meet there and the wind comes from the ocean making the area cool enough for people to enjoy. Good thinking Mugman," Celina told him with a smile. "Thanks Celina. Now let's get going so we can find my brother," Mugman told her with the two of them running to the beach.

At the beach, some of the citizens of the Inkwell Isles were relaxing and enjoying the somewhat warm weather with Lucilia resting on a beach towel and sunbathing. "This is nice." she said with a smile, but she lifted up her sunglasses and looked to see Celina and Mugman running onto the sand. "Whoa! Where's the fire you two? What's going on?" the she-devil asked them. "Cuphead's been kidnapped by Mystique," said Mugman. "Mystique? I've never heard about her before. Where did you hear that name?" Lucilia asked. "When we went to the park to find a clue to find out where she's keeping him," said Mugman. "I see and you think another one of her clues might be here on the beach?" Lucilia asked him. "Yeah," Mugman replied. "Then let me help you look. I think my powers might be able to get the item dislodged from the sand," Lucilia told him before making her left hand glow a light red light. "Sounds good to us Lucy. Let's get to searching," Celina said with a smirk. As the trio searched the beach for the next clue, they weren't having much luck since they mostly found seashells and rocks. "Ugh! How hard is it to find a simple clue?!" Lucilia exclaimed in anger with her tossing a small fireball onto the sand making a small bit of it turn into glass. "I guess really hard in our case," Celina said before tossing away another seashell. As she walked over to another part of the beach to search, she tripped over something sticking out of the sand with her landing face-first. "Celina, are you okay?" Mugman asks her in a concerned voice. Celina lifted her head out of the sand before spitting some of it out of her mouth. "I'm fine, but I tripped on something," she told him in an irritated voice. Mugman and Lucilia looked at the item Celina tripped over with the she-devil instantly recognizing it as she pulled it out of the sand. "Nice going Celina, you found a Messenger potion." Lucilia said to her with a smirk. "You know what kind of potion that is?" Mugman asked her in shock. "Yep, sometimes some of the imps bring these with them to give messages to my uncle or if they just want to talk to them," Lucy told him before placing a drop of the blue liquid onto the sand causing the steam-like mirror to appear again with Mystique smiling at the three of them. "Nice job, you found my second clue and you're one step closer to finding me and Cuphead," Mystique told them before laughing evilly. "Yeah, lucky us," Celina said with a sigh. "Don't worry, this will all be over soon and if you find me and Cuphead it will be over in a flash," Mystique said with a chuckle before looking at Mugman, "So Mughead, would you like to see your brother?"  "It's Mugman, not Mughead, but yes I do," said Mugman. "Well then, here he is," Mystique said with a smirk before stepping to the side and revealing Cuphead sitting on the floor with his hands chained behind his back while a white cloth was tied over his mouth. Mugman also noticed that Cuphead looked completely drained. "What did you do to him?" Mugman asked. "Why nothing. Unless you count sapping his strength using this little red gem counts as doing something to him," Mystique said while showing him a tiny red gem resting between her fingers. "Lucy, do you know what gem that is?" Mugman asked. "Yep, it's a Vampire Ruby. It can take the life force of anyone who's caught in its red light." Lucilia told him. "You're correct Lucilia. This little Vampire Ruby made it easy for me to catch this little cup and now he's all mine," Mystique said with a smirk as she then saw something glowing within the room she was in, "Excuse me everyone, but I need to go and check something real quick. Be right back." Then she walked away. However, the moment she was gone, Cuphead managed to shake the white cloth off of his mouth before looking at everyone with a confident smile. "Hey there guys." he said in a soft voice. "Cuphead! You're okay!" Mugman exclaimed but his older brother quickly shushes him. "Keep it down Mugsy!" Cuphead exclaimed in a soft and stern voice. "Sorry," Mugman said in a soft voice. "How are you feeling?" Lucilia asked Cuphead. "Tired," Cuphead said. "Hang in there Cuphead. We'll find you and get you out of there," Mugman told him with a smile. "I know you guys will, but I'll try and do what I can to escape this place and from that Mystique character as well," Cuphead told the group with a slight smirk. "Just be careful, okay Cuphead?" Mugman told him in a stern voice. "I promise Mugsy," Cuphead told his little brother with a smirk. At that moment, Mystique walked back into the room before turning to Mugman, Celina and Lucilia. "Okay you three, ready to hear my riddle to find the next clue?" she asked them. "Yep, give us your little riddle," Mugman told her while crossing his arms. "Good, now based on this Vampire Ruby and the potions I've been giving you, find a place that will take you to my lair which is not in your world but a world of many mythical creatures and powerful spellcasters. Good luck," Mystique told him before ending her message with the mirror disappearing in a matter of seconds. "Bibbidobidi! That's where she's talking about!" Mugman exclaimed. "Right! It's a land known for having mythical creatures and different kinds of wizards and witches!" Lucilia exclaimed with a smile. "If that's the case, we're going to need to talk to Chantelle and Castaspella to see if they can help us get there," Celina told them. "Good plan, let's get going so we can rescue Cuphead," Mugman said as he and the girls hurried to Castaspella's cottage.

The Cuphead Show: Adventures in Inkwell Isles Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now