How cute

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dictionary for people who don't know spanish
Que lindo mi preciosa = how sweet/cute my precious
Gracias= Thank you
Amor= love
Notes and my own commentary at the end

"Que lindo mi preciosa.." Error smiled and watched ink spun in the newly made dress, it was designed specifically for her, and she loved it, she squealed and quickly jumped at error

"HOLY- SHIF BABE- GRACIAS AMOR!!" She giggled and nuzzled her as error just groaned at all the unnecessary touching, but she smiled and gently held ink by the waist. "No problem preciosa.. it fits nicely, I'm actually quite proud of this, so excited to see you wear it at your presentation.." error gently moved away to take more time to admire it, it was lightly colored but with designing that complimented ink's body,hair, and eyes, it was a tight fitted dress that nicely outlined ink's build.

"I'm glad you like it, I put some silk under so you're comfortable" error gently moved her hand around ink's chest and hips, feeling how the material which was kind of a latex feel was on her body, she just couldn't stop staring at her lover, beautiful and sexy.
"You should make a matching dress! So we can walk together and you don't look like a hobo all the time" ink suggested but that suggestion only got a heavy grimace

"Hell no, I would pass out if my dress was that tightly fit, I'll stick with my baggy clothes." ink pouted. For ink disagreed with error's fashion, see error really likes chinese street fashion, she stuck with that and just streetwear in general, sometimes even to fancy events she just wore a baggy T-shit and baggy pants, of course with some gold accessories to make a real appearance, while her lover dressed in fancy dresses made by the one and only, with almost everything she wore was just by error.

"Fine fine, but at least for our bedroom time..~?" inked grinned and error rolled her eyes, she got up and stretched all those muscles.

"Okay honey but let's rest, my back is killing me, we get coffee then take a big cuddle session" she giggled and ink smiled happily, gently holding her hand and carefully leading her out of their penthouse.
"Course babe~ I got your whole order memorized! One of the few things I can remember..." that earned a small laugh from error

"Yeah cus your slow as hell, whatever at least we can show off your beautiful dress~" she gently nuzzled ink's cheek and followed her to the elevator, they went out the building into the big city, filled with cars and boards of the newest trends, it was filthy but error stood it with his lover, the one who made life as good as it was.

okay so I was like hmmm I should dunno do something. So I did, I actually haven't wrote anything inikkkeeee a while but cool ig, I was thinking to do nm and error because I prefer that but I was like well no one's done a model ink because obviously he's an artist so- I just wanted to be creative, this was actually kinda bad so I might fix it when I'm not tired

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