perfect size (2)

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"Uh," Haruto starts to talk, but pauses when his neighbor grabs his hand and begins drawing some ungodly figure on it, the largest, cutest smile on his face. "We're still on for later, right?"

Jeongwoo gives him nothing short of a small hum, and it sounded kinda approving so Haruto just assumes he's agreeing, confusion etched on his features because his crush just sniffed the marker, made a face, and waved it under Doyoung - that poor hyung's nose and causes him to sneeze and drop some of his Pokémon cards from his desk.

What was my heart thinking? Haruto thinks for a second because Jeongwoo would probably be hell to date - hell with two broad shoulders and a handsome face, that is.

"Guess." Jeongwoo says all of a sudden, snapping Haruto from his thoughts.

"Huh?" Haruto looks at his hand for a second and back at Jeongwoo, "Oh."

"A squiggly circle thingy, and two - three lines?" There's a loud snort from Junghwan who's right beside him.

Jeongwoo drops his hand with a pout, "It's a cat- stop laughing, Junghwan!"

And Haruto seriously would've laughed, but he kinda needs a non-sulky Jeongwoo for this 'date' thingy to work out, so he just pokes the younger's arm.

"Jeongwoo-ya," Haruto held his arm out, "Jeongwoo-ya, the cat is cold."

And to not much of Haruto's surprise, Jeongwoo gives up on being upset and covers the poor cat creature drawn on Haruto's hand with his own, a smile finding its way on his lips.

They're doing it, sorta, an awkward lock at the fingers below their desk, quietly, enough to make Junghwan glare.

"Gross," He mutters

So much for making up excuses to hold hands.


Haruto swears he's usually more organized than this. An old blanket - that most likely belongs to his younger sister in her toddler era - but that doesn't matter. It was old, anyway. Haruto had the thing rolled onto the wet grass, yes wet, and Haruto kinda wanted to smack himself. Of course, the ground would be wet if it's by a river.

Jeongwoo sat beside him, anything but silent as he chewed on the snacks Haruto impulsively spent his last couple of dollars on at some small corner store - long legs crumpled up into his signature criss cross pose. Meanwhile, anyone could tell Haruto was uncomfortable by the way his long legs squirmed to find sanctuary on top of the blanket.

But what exactly did the Japanese expect, they were both big (overgrown) teenagers, sitting on what was basically a 12 inch swaddle blanket on a river bank - well at least the ducks were there like he said.

All Haruto had to do was make sure this "date" didn't become a disaster.


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