He's treated at a private company hospital. All in all, he comes out of the incident relatively lucky - all he has is a broken rib. Other than that, he's just banged up, bruised and aching nearly everywhere. His family and Yoongi's parents come to visit. None of them are very good at being comforting, not that he'd expected them to be. His father tells him proudly that every last kidnapper is dead. He mentions something about a breakaway gang. It doesn't make Jimin feel as good as he probably thinks it does.Jihyun doesn't say much, just sits by his bed and holds his hand while the others speak. Jimin finds that the most comforting of all. His grandmother seems annoyed with everyone, refusing to say more than a few words to anyone but Jihyun. This is what she'd always wanted to protect him from, Jimin supposes, and now it's gone and happened anyway, all because his parents wanted him to get married.
Eventually, a nurse takes mercy on him and ushers everyone out. "He needs to rest," she says. "I think we should restrict visitors to a few at a time."
They agree without a fuss, leaving his room littered with flower bouquets. His grandmother remains, settling in a chair by the window after switching the TV on for him. Jimin stares blankly at something on the wall. He feels a little like he's floating out of his body.
There's a knock on the door. Yoongi pops his head in. "Can I come in?" he asks. Jimin's grandmother looks to Jimin, and Jimin nods.
Yoongi takes the chair by Jimin's bed. "How are you feeling?"
Jimin shifts to look at him. "They gave me some heavy-duty painkillers."
Yoongi's gaze flickers over his face. Jimin wonders how bad he looks; he hasn't dared to ask for a mirror yet. "I called your roommate. He'll be here soon. Thought you might want to see him."
The thought of Hoseok fills Jimin with a rush of emotion, something he hasn't felt much of since he got to the hospital. "Yeah."
"And I talked to your school about delaying your finals. They said you can turn your projects in at your leisure." Yoongi clears his throat. "So, um, you don't have anything to worry about. You can just rest."
Jimin nods, cheek rubbing against the pillow in a way that hurts. "Okay."
"I'm sorry," Yoongi says quietly. "This is my fault."
He looks down at his lap as he says it, hair falling into his eyes. There's a bitter twist to his mouth. Jimin finds himself almost surprised at the mess of emotion clear on Yoongi's face. He really does feel terrible, Jimin thinks. Terrible and guilty.
"Thanks for saving me," Jimin whispers, and Yoongi looks up at him and nods ruefully. "Do I get to go home soon?"
"They're just waiting on another test result. If it turns out fine, they'll discharge you."
"Okay." Jimin's eyes drift shut tiredly. He just wants to go home and curl up in his nest.
"Min Yoongi," his grandmother says, and he looks over at her. "I wouldn't classify this as keeping Jimin out of things."
"I know," Yoongi says. "I'm very sorry for my failure."
"I expect you'll be putting a security detail on him immediately."
He inclines his head. "We're already working one out."
"I trusted you with him." Her voice is hard and cold in a way Jimin has never heard before. "Do better."
"I won't let anything like this happen again." Yoongi's phone pings. He glances at it. "Your friend's here," he tells Jimin. "Let me go get him."
Yoongi leaves the room, and Jimin turns to his grandmother. "It's not like he got me kidnapped on purpose," he admonishes.