chapter one

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Olivia sat in Snape's class, she always dreeded this class. The reson was because she was raised by this man, and had been taught all this before. She sighed, and looked at the time on her phone. One of her best friends-Draco- saw what she was doing, and raised an eyebrow. He tapped her shoulder, and she turned to him. "What Drake?" She whispered, looking at him. He gave her a look and then sighed. "Liv put that up, or the professer will be angry," he told her, glacing at Snape every so often. Olivia yawned as she put it up. She was thinking about the meeting they were having today. She was hoping it was about the Tri - wizard turniment, and was praying she could do it. Snape saw she wasn't paying attention to the lesson, and snapped his ruler on her desk. "Olivia Riddle, this is class. We do not day dream in class," he said, the class looked suprised he just told her that. She looked shocked, she had never herd him talk to her like that. "Sorry dad- I mean professer," she said, and he sighed. "Just don't do it again Olivia," he replied, and went back to teaching. Class was finally over, and Olivia ran to catch up to Harry. She had been dating him since the summer. She would always sneek him out during the summer, when he was at his uncle and aunts home. He smiled at her, as he took her had. "Livie, how was your father's class," he asked, looking down at her. She sighed, as they walked. "I was called out for day dreaming," she said, with a sigh. He let a small laugh out, and kissed her head. "What was your day dream about?"he asks,with a smile. His scar aways burnt when he was around her, but he learned to ignore it. "Being in the Tri - wizard turniment," she said, and smiled. He looked at her schocked before running a hand through his hair. "If you try I am aswell," he told her, and she smiled. They soon walked into the great hall, and she started to sit by Harry, but Draco glaired at her. "Harry I am going to sit beside my best friend," she told him. Harry kissed her cheek, and nodded. She went to sit beside Draco, and he rolled his eyes. "What?I'm dating Potter, do you think I care about your bloody option about him?"she said, and Draco rolled his eyes. He looked up where the teachers were sitting, and sighed. "Drake I think my dad is glairing at us," she whispers, as they started to anouce the other schools. She sighed as the men from the academy set beside her. She stood back up, and walked to Harry. "I will figure out a way to get into the tournament," she says, leaning on Harry. He sighs, and puts an arm around her. "Please don't, your the only person who actually loves me for me. And you broke me out of my house to have fun during the summer. Please don't do this to yourself," he tells her, as she yawns. "I love you Harry," she says, as she falls asleep in his arms. She had always fell asleep in his arms, so he picked her up. He carried her to Snape, and put her in his arms. "Thank you boy, but I need you to follow me," he told Harry. They walked to the teachers quarters, and Snape put Olivia in her bed. Snape sat down at the table, and pointed at the seat in front of him to show Harry were to sit. Harry nodded, and set down. "Harry you love Olivia, right?"Snape asked, a serious look on his face. Harry nodded, and looked towards her room. "Why do you ask professer?" Harry asked. Snape sighed, and looked to her room as well. "You see her father is someone who wants you dead. I'm sorry Harry," he said, as he looked to Harry. Harry sighed, and looked at her. "I knew that, by her last name. You never changed it to yours," Harry said, with a sigh. Snape nods, and looks at Harry. "If you still love her after knowing that, than that shows that you care for her," he replied, with a sigh. "You may go now Potter." Harry nods, and leaves. The next day they were picking the competitors for the tournament. Olivia sat between a pissed off looking Draco and an upset looking Harry. They had just called the three names when two more pieces of paper flew up. Dumbledore grabbed the papers, and had a distasteful look on his face before he called the names on them. "Harry Potter and Olivia Riddle," he said, and Draco looked at her. Harry took her hand, and they both stood up slowly. They walked together, and Olivia let tears fall. They were getting gripped at by all the teachers, and she looked back at them. "Look we-we didn't put our bloody names in the goblet," she yelled as more tears fell. "We would never do something by going behind our teachers bloody backs." Harry squeezed her hand, to try and calm her down. Snape sighed, and looked at the other teachers. "Well I do know that Olivia would not do that," Snape told the other teachers, and they nodded. "And Harry would?" Dumbledore said, glairing at Snape. Snape rolled his eyes, and looked at Olivia. He truly thought of her as his daughter, not a child of the Dark lord. Olivia laid her head on Harry's shoulder, and Harry put an arm around her. "She doesn't even know who her real father is and you want to put her in danger! Look at her, she is frightened out of her mind. If you want to yell at etheir of us, yell at me not her," Harry said, as he looked at his professers. Dumbledore looked at the two, and sighed. Harry was overprotective over Olivia, and he was always thinking of her. He was just hoping that they would not have to face Voldimort. The day had passed, and Harry was up late, reading while Olivia was cuddled up next to him. He put the book down and looked at her, with a smile. "She will never become what her father has," he muttered, before wrapping her in his arms and falling asleep. The next morning Harry woke up, only to see Olivia in a beautiful orange dress. "Harry how does this look for the interviews? Draco's father brought it to me," she said, spinning around in the long dress. It touched the floor, and that was the only thing that truly made her love it. Harry smiled as he stood up, as he walked over to her. "You will always be beautiful to me," Harry said, kissing her cheek. She blushed, and looked down. Her hair was strighted, and had a black bow in it. "Hermione helped me with my hair," she said, with a smile. Harry was happy that she was getting along with all of his friends. She only had few friends, and Ron was not one of them. In Fact she had tried to make friends with him, but he wouldn't have that because he thought she would get him into trouble. Draco was truly the only other friend she had. Harry had went to the restrooms and gotten dressed in a tux and his robe. She smiled at him, and walked over to him. He smiled before they walked down to where the interviews were taking place. Harry kept a hold on Olivia hand. "You know I will always love you, right?" Harry said, kissing her head. She blushes, and nods. "I love you to Harry," she said, a smile placed on her lips. He smiled back at her. They were placed by age, and the two girls sitting. The pictures took hours, and it annoyed Olivia. Harry sighed as they were both shoved in the broom closet. "Liv will you be alright? I know you," Harry whispers to her, and she nods. She closes her eyes, as they sit down. "So first things first, you two are together. If I'm correct," the woman asked the two young competitors. Harry sighed and nodded. "Yes," Harry replied, as he placed an arm around Olivia. "So Harry, tell me. How do you think her father, the dark lord, would feel about his daughter-" Harry stopped her at those words, holding his hand up. Olivia shook her head. "My father is our professor," Olivia replied, anger clean in her voice. Harry looked at her, he had never heard Olivia talk like that. "Alright, I think that's enough," Harry said, as he stood up. Olivia did as well, and they walked out. "Liv I'm so sorry you had to find out that way. I was supposed to be the one to tell you," Harry said,as he walked her back to their place under the tree. She shook her head, as Harry ran a hand through her hair.

The next day Olivia sat with Harry, and Neville. She was half asleep when Hermione came to them. "Hagrid is looking for us," Harry told me, and I nodded. They both walked to where Hagrid was. Harry kept a hand on Olivia's shoulder. "Liv it will be alright. Our names were out together, they might make us work together," he said, with a small smile. She smiled back, and laid her head on his shoulder. "Harry did ya bring the cloak your father gave ya?" Hagrid asked, and Harry nodded. "Share it with Haley." Harry nodded, and put it on them both. Haley looked at Harry, confused as she saw a teacher from one of the other school. Her jaw dropped as she saw the dragons. The teacher and Hagrid talked, and then the teacher left. Harry took the cloak off, and Haley looked scared. "Hagrid you know that Haley can't kill a dragon, how is she going to get past the first bloody task?" Harry said, as Haley nodded. Hagrid looked at the young girl, knowing he watched her grow up as well as Snape. He sighed, and nodded. "You both work together on the first challange. Snape said it was alright with him, and had to talk Dumbledore into it," he explained. As they walked back to the school they saw the students have badges that say 'Potter and Riddle stink.' Olivia looked at the badges, and took a deep breath. She ran to past the people who were laughing at her, before she was brought into a hug. She was pulled to the side aswell. She looked up, tears falling as she did. She saw the blonde that always had her back. "Liv I am only cheering for you. You are my hufflepuff, and I am your best Slitheren friend," he said, pushing her hair to the side and out of her face. She pulled away from him. "Draco please. You know I love Harry," she said, as she pulled away from him. He sighed, and took her hand. "You know, I don't think you are right for him," he said, as he leaned in. He pressed his lips on hers, and she just stood there shaking. Snape walked by them at the time, and pushed him away from her. "She is with Potter, and touch her again and I will be forced to harm you," he said, as he held the child he raised in his arms. She didn't say anything, as she hugged her father. "Go to Harry," Snape said in a rough voice. He looked down at her, and she nodded.

She soon found Harry, and hugged him. Harry rubbed her back. "What's wrong Liv?" He asked, as he looked down at her. She shook her head, as he held her close. "You don't have to tell me. How about we go to bed, and we will look forward to tomarrow," he told her, kissing her head. She nodded, and he picked her up. She fell asleep in his arms, as he carried her to his room. He laid her in his bed, and covered her in a banket. He laid beside her, and covered in his own blanket, that was the only way she was allowed to stay with him. She cuddled up to Harry ad they slept, and they slept through the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2015 ⏰

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