Episode 1

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"this is nuisance! What kind of fucked up game are we playing?" The ravenhead said continuously smacking the game board.

"Chill out, you lunatic! It's just a game which you just lost !" said the redhead with the brightest smirk on her face. These two are arch enemies, I swear.

"Ya Kim yerim! I'll smack that evil smirk off your face in the next round if it's the last thing I do."

"Bring it on Park Jimin! Guess You won't be seeing the sunrise tomorrow unless graves have eyes."

Why are they so childish?

"Hey! If you both don't stop with your cringe-worthy argument, you're both out of this game and my house! So keep quiet!"

That's Jung Hoseok for you! Ironically, He's a law student so debate and argument are like his drugs. But he's also the most mature among us, so peace and quiet isn't quite the opposite of his choices.

"We're out of snacks so I'll go get some more. Hobi, you got something else to eat?" Probed an adorable ginger

"Can we please order pizza? I'm starving for some real food!" Begged Mr. Bob Ross 2.0

"You literally ate quarter of the 10+ foods we bought, taehyung!"

" yeah, and? What's your point, Ms. Seulgi?" Seulgi signed in defeat.

"nevermind, I'll see what I can find. Hobi come help me"

Hobi also signed and got up from his place and followed Gigi outside the room.

"Now let's play a new game, shall we? I vote for truth or dare!" Wonyoung raised her hand enthusiasticly.

"Oh no! Wonie, I ain't doing any more of your shitty dares. Last time left me completely traumatized!" Yuqi said dreading.

"oh come on, wugi! Licking a dog's fur isn't that big of a deal. Get over it!" Wonie said calmly yet with a smirk on her face.

Something buzzed beside me and I picked it up to see a notification of new message on my phone.


[Babe, I'm so so so sorry.
Can we please talk??🥺🥺]

"That assh0le still stalking you?"

I look at the owner of the voice sitting beside me, directly into his eyes. They're really pretty.

"Uhh yeah! Apparently him getting his lips locked with that bitch was an accident and now he feels sorry." I said in a sarcastic tone

"Y/n, do you want me to talk to him?" Jungkook asked in genuine concern.

I looked at him, waiting patiently for my next words. And I know whatever comes out of my mouth, he'll listen to me even if I ask him to do the worst. That's just how he is, sweet, loyal and considerate.

And that's why he's my Best friend, that's why they all are my bestfriends.

"thanks gukk, but I'm okay. Really!" I smiled and he smiled back alittle later.

Seul and Hobi came back after a while with boxes of pizza in their hands, and that made Tae literally levitate. We then proceeded our competition with a game of Monopoly throughout the night. What can I say? This is our typical Friday.

00:34 am [author: lmaoooo]

"Thanks for the playdate bro, had a blast!" Jungkook said giving Hoseok a high five and side hug before I did the same.

"are you alright? You barely ate anything this whole time."

Hobi whispered as he engulfed me in a tight hug. He's such a care bear, I could see him dancing around a daisy field with a basket of said daisies in hand.

Y/n: I'm fine, really and thanks. Had a great time, Good night Hope.

"You're welcome y/n-ie. Good night"

We exchanged well wishes and I went on my way back home. The night was silent and eerie, as expected given the fact that it's past midnight. Not that I'm complaining, it feels really beautiful to see an endless uncrowded road with the starry sky hanging above like a warm blanket.

"Do you ever wander how far a road can go?"

I looked at the person walking beside me with every step. Jungkook and I live in the opposite directions of the city but our roads cross eachother at a certain point which is why we often walk together till we part ways.

"As far as it can take you." I chuckled and looked up again as I saw him gleaming with glory. I love our little random conversations.

"the sky looks so beautiful. Like you." This made me laugh.

"I know right? It's mesmerizing. Like you." Jungkook also laughed with a hint of blush in his face. He's adorable.

I looked up at front as I noticed the familiar street light at the point where we bid goodbyes.

"Got any plans for tomorrow? We could go somewhere together if you want." The tall raven haired with purple highlights asked, something I can't specifically answer.

" ummm maybe yeah. But I'll let you know if I change my mind. Good night JK."

"Good night, y/n." He me his bunny smile as I gave mine, insinuated by my pals, quokka smile as I turned towards my street.

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆At home∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆

I changed into my comforts and crawled back into the warmth of my fluffy bed with my precious stuffies. Thank goodness mom and dad were asleep or else I would have gotten an earpiece. As I'm laying down in the comfortable silence of my bed, I've felt the post-breakup depression finally taking over.

I didn't wanna admit the fact that I still miss him but I don't wanna throw myself away to the thought of giving him a second chance, but that is what's going through my mind.

I take out my phone and scroll through my texts to the one I should never reply to.


[Babe, I'm so so so sorry.
Can we please talk??🥺🥺]

[Yes, we should talk. Meet
me at 9am in Café
Rosabelle tomorrow.]

[Yes baby anything for
you my sweet pie😭❤️]

Damn has he been waiting for me to reply all this time?? Looks like cheaters become a saint after getting caught.

I placed my phone back to my side table and slowly drifted off to sleep. But not before drying away the water droplets in my eyes with the back of my hand.


Hello again! This is the first chapter, hope you guys enjoy! The next chapter will be published soon. Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions. I would love to read all your perspectives and throughts!

Happy reading everyone 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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