Still with you

46 20 7

This prompt is based on a song called Still With You. The lyrics are in italics and the story parts are in normal text.


That faint voice of yours that grazed me

Please call my name one more time

I'm standing still under the frozen light, but

I will walk towards you, step by step

Still with you

'Miraya! Miri, wait! Please wait! Don't do this; don't make this mistake. Please come back!' I shout at her, my voice shattering along with my heart. With my breath shaking, I run and grab her arm to stop her from walking away from my life and me. I just want to hear my name fall from her lips one more time.

She violently turns around and shakes off my arm. 'Stop it, Kookie! I told you and I warned you. But did you listen? No! You... argh! I can't waste my breath on you anymore. I can't be with you anymore.'

I can feel my knees shaking as they knock on each other. Oddly enough, it feels as though every movement of my body is in harmony with my heart. Almost as if it has stopped whatever it's doing to cry with my heart and ease its burden.

I must have stayed quiet for too long because she rolled her eyes, huffed, and walked away. This time, I don't stop her. I'm completely frozen under the moonlight, its glow contrasting the dark rage within me. Then from some strange instinct, my feet move a few steps toward her, refusing to give up hope. A scream tears from my throat and I let it. I let it out with all I have.

A pitch-black room

I shouldn't get used to it

But I'm used to it again

The low-pitched sound of the air conditioner

If I don't have this, I might fall apart

The affliction I feel is worsening. All the light is fleeing my body, now replaced by the darkness coursing through it. I'm scared because all I will have left with me is the cold and a deep, black void.

Just then, heavy clouds gather around the moon and hide its glow. It looks like the rain's coming in. My stuttering heart beats painfully, mimicking the low-pitched sound of a broken AC. The sound grounds me and lets me know that my body hasn't given up on me. If I didn't have this, I would have fallen apart.

We laugh together, we cry together

These simple feelings were everything I had

When will it be?

If I see you again,

I will look into your eyes

And say, 'I missed you'

Regardless of the incoming storm, my tortured brain tries to desperately search for some respite, some way to fool me into thinking she's still here. And the only way it can do that is by replaying all of our memories. A bittersweet remembrance. I cover my ears tightly, trying to block it all out, but of course, I can't. So I sink to my knees and suffer through it all.

My mother always taught me to love freely and wholly. So I did. I loved everyone who came my way with an open heart. I always thought that would be enough.

But it wasn't enough. I was never enough for Miri. I should hate her with a burning passion, but I can't. I'm not made like that. If Miri ever decides to return, if she ever does that, I won't hesitate to take her back. I won't let anyone or anything come in between us. I'll look deep into the eyes that hold all the shimmering stars and say one thing, 'I missed you'.

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