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This girl I found on pintrest as

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This girl I found on pintrest as..
Arabella Black

15 year old, self made millionaire. Youngest self made millionaire. Started acting when she was 2, she's been in..
35 movies
16 TV shows.

Mason thames as himself

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Mason thames as himself

15, self-made (pretty sure), started acting when he was 13, he's been in
1 movie
Zero TV shows (so far)

Information about story:

Best read in the smallest size and the font "source sans pro"

Personally I think it fits the story and yea..

Back story on the character Arabella will come later in the book.

Her full name is Arabella Valentine Emmerson Black.

Her mum and dad are around but are always away.

Anything that is uploaded as insta photos or wtv just please pretend it's them in the pic and not some random ass mfs I found🙏🏽

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