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This is my first story on Wattpad so any suggestions will be very helpful plus I won't be able to update very often because of school and life. I also have really bad grammar and spelling so if I do make a mistake it will be helpful of you guys to point it out. Thank you

P.S If guys want like a nickname or something please comment some ideas and I might be doing some OC competitions                                                                                                                                                      - Astro


They're in their third year and have been dating since the first year


- Suicidal thoughts

- Self harm

Izuku P.O.V

I woke this morning laying besides the girl of my dreams. Ochaco. We been dating since our first of UA and I have never been happier. But lately, I've been hearing these voices in head, it's been awhile since I've heard them. Since middle school actually, they're on constant repeat every single day since the start of the year. Heh, I guess stress and anxiety is finally catching up to me.

You don't deserve her 

They're pitying you

They all hate you




You should have just taken a swan dive off the roof of the building back in middle school!

I try so hard to ignore the voices but it's so hard and they so loud. I sipped out of the bed trying my best not to wake up Chaco. I walked into my bathroom and grabbed the blade from inside my medical kit. I learned that cutting stops the voices in my head but I only do it when they get really bad. So I started slowly... 








Twenty - Two

Twenty - Five

I stopped there thinking it was plenty. I watched as the blood dripped down my arm and onto the cool bathroom floor. After awhile I cleaned up the blood on the floor and my arms. I then toke off the old bandages and replaced them with new ones. Once I walked back into the room Chaco had just woken up. 

"Morning Izu~" she said all groggily. 

"Morning Chaco, had did you sleep?" 

"Alright". She then wrapped her arms around me and pulled me back down on to the bed. 


Her face was buried in my chest. I softly giggled at my girlfriends antics and brought her closer. I always kept in mind way I don't end myself just yet, it's because of these moments I remember why Ochaco is so important to me and why she can't find out. 

Timeskip (few days later still Izuku's P.O.V)

They been getting worse now and I don't know if I can do this anymore. I don't wanna leave my mother, my friends and Chaco but it's so hard and everyone is questioning me why my arms are always bandaged up. They all told me to go to RG but I can't let anyone know what is really  going on. 

Ochaco's P.O.V

These past few days Izu has been act weirder than weird. Actually now that I think about ever since the start of third year he has been acting weird plus those bandages on his arms are worrying me. 

Later (still Ochaco's P.O.V)

Its training now and me and my partner, Bakugou, are going against Izu and Iida. We form a plan while waiting for the exercise to start. I go and try to find the weapon, while Bakugou attacks. We guessed that Iida would be protecting well Izu finds us. We start and everything is going to plan. Bakugou runs into Izu and well I keep searching for Iida and the weapon. Then out of the blue I hear Izu scream out in pain. 

"Bakugou! What's going on!" I yell over our commutators. 

"Like hell am I supposed to know what happened!" 

"Bakugou tell me what happened! NOW!" I was getting angry knowing that MY boyfriend probably got hurt because of him! 

"Don't tell what to do Round Face! All I did was grab this damn nerds forearm and threw him over my shoulder and then he yells!" 

Wait what... he wouldn't scream like that unless injured? Right? Wait... the bandages, refusing to go to RG's office , it's all making sense but why would he do that, why not talk to us, ME, his girlfriend. We promised to tell each other everything  no matter what. 

Bakugou's P.O.V

That damn nerd! Crying over nothing, if he's so~ strong then he shouldn't be crying. Wait... is that blood staining his arm on his hero costume?  


"Yeah, Kacchan?"

"Why are you bleeding?"

I saw panic fill his eyes I KNEW something weird was up with Deku but I know he won't admit on his own without bugging him about it.

"Ohh... um.... w-well... I-I got-t hur-rt durin-ng tra-raining yes-esterday"  

" HEH I know your lying Deku! You also strutted while lying plus you ALWAYS ask me to help you with training Deku"

Izuku's P.O.V

 Once Kacchan said he knew I was lying the words DEAD MEAT filled my mind. After awhile of sitting on the floor having a staring contest with Kacchan, I noticed that blood was starting to drip out of my hero costume. I quickly got up and ran, leaving Kacchan in my dust. After running for a awhile, I heard explosions coming my way and quickly. I started running faster by activating OFA. One for All Full Cowling 8%!  I don't need each power just enough to kept good distance from Kacchan.


I hid behind a wall on the 3rd floor of the building thinking what I was going to do with my arm. I ripped the hood of my costume off and wrapping it around my arm to help stop some of the bleeding. I realized that Iida must be dealing with Chaco and wondering what is going on. 

"Iida! How are you doing protecting the weapon?"

"Uraraka showed up a few minutes ago. How are you doing against Bakugou?"

"Good but my arm is bleeding so that will restrict my movement a bit little"

"Well don't work yourself to hard Midoriya"

"I promise Iida"


After my chat with Iida, I knew I had to change my hiding spot and quickly before Kacchan comes. Speaking of Kacchan I haven't heard any explosions in awhile. It's making me worried, he's never this quiet.

"Found you!"



And then everything went black...

To be continued...

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