✴ 6 ✴

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Bryony's POV

Fluffing out my hair and I glanced at myself in the mirror.

I turned and poked out my ass before shaking it.

Damn I'm fine.

Grabbing my bag and purse I hurried down the stairs half hoping to see the green eyed fellow still laid up on my sofa but to my dismay he was no where to be found.

I let out an sigh and went into the kitchen. In a hurry I opened the fridge ,my eyes roaming the contents inside until I froze.

Where's my minute maid?.

"Wow so that's how we do?" I mumbled to myself grabbing a bottle of orange juice.

Opening the cupboard I grabbed a bar of nutella and swerved my hand in the container to see I was running out.

I glanced at my phone and rushed out the door meet Chloe before hand.


"Can you believe that negro. He literally ate my peach last night saying he'a answer his phone from now and that he was sorry" Chloe chuckled shaking her head.

We decided to grab break fast and a near by cafe and sat by a bench close to the the salon.

"What spell did you put on that man?" I asked sipping on my coffee while scrolling through my phone.

"Bitchh...I guess the couchie just great like that"

"Watcha saying the kitty doing cartwheels?" I said slapping our hands together in high five.

"Hoe it's talented" she said sticking out her tongue.

Glancing back down at my screen I went back into Instagram into where he popped up because of my accidental searches last night.

I mean I wanted to go right to sleep but how could I when one of the sexiest man to ever speak to me was sleeping in my house.

I paused at a picture showing a small teddy bear in his lap one if his eye covered with a clothe patch.

My eyes skimmed to his partially tattooed chest and cross neck lace. The buttons of his shirt opened up enough for me to get a nice eye full of him.


As I scrolled my finger mistakenly slid on the hearted tab.

I let out a loud shriek, Chloe jolted in Ber seat almost spilling her tea.

"What the fuck?" She muttered giving me the crazy eye.

"I'm good" I said unliking the picture in quickness as if it would erase my mistake.

"Girl you sure. You sweating bullets right now?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Just accidentally liked someone's pic on insta" I responded.

"And you acting like that?"

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone in my pockets. A while after we went to the salon and went on with our day. Before I knew it time zoomed on to 6 pm.

Odell came to pick us up cause my car tires were flat so I left it home this morning.

One the way home I was scrolling on my phone trying to block the couple's usual bickering.

My phone dogged with a notification and I glanced back at my phone to see unknown number text me.

Unknown: Miss me?.

Me: tf who is this?.

I know a strong idea who it could be but I just needed an answer.

Unknown: The man that's going to be  between your legs soon enough.

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