I'm inlove with my classmate

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It was Tuesday night  and I got bored and then I asked my classmate (crush) if he likes someone and he said yeah and I said give me some clues he said "it's between 1st row and 2nd row" my seat was in 2nd row and I said "ANOTHER CLUE!" He said "She has an A on her name" and then I mentioned all the girls that have an "A" on their names and then he said no to all of them, and I said "Me?" He said "Are you sure?" And I said "nah I'm just a delulu" and then I said  "TRISHA IS YOUR CRUSH?!" he said "yea" and I started to say "WAIT DOES SHE KNOWS THAT YOU LIKE HER OR ANYTHING?" Then that b*tch a** said "it was a lie tho that's not her" (Trisha is my friend by the way) and I said "WHATT?!!" And he just laughed at me and then I mentioned another girl " SARAH! I KNOW ITS SARAH CUZ SHES BEAUTIFUL!" then he responded "Yea she's my crush" AND THEN AGAIN I STARTED ASKING HIM LIKE "DOES SHE TALKS TO YOUU?!!" And then he said "it's a joke too" I WAS VERY ANGRY CUZ I MENTIONED THE GIRLS FROM 1ST AND 2ND ROW and then I said "me?" He said "finalize your answer." I said "Sarah." THEN HE SAID NO, I WAS GETTING CONFUSED -
then he said "I'll tell you tomorrow" and then I said alright goodnight, then the next day I went straight to him to ask about his crush he keeps smiling at me and then I asked for a hint. This is the hints he gave me
"Black hair" 😭
"Wearing a white t-shirt"
"White shoes"
"Sits on the Second row"
AND I SAID TRISHA CUZ SHE WAS WEARING WHITE, and he said no and I forgot to say this but he said if I guessed his crush he would treat me a blueberry drink
And then when we were at the shop buying blueberry drink I said "I can't be your crush tho Trish is wearing a white t-shirt and I'm wearing a mint green t-shirt" He was shocked and said "THATS MINT GREEN?!" I told him "yep" and then when we were walking on the way to our class room I told him to give me another hint of his crush he told me "I already treated her with some food or drink atleast once" I told him "ADANNA! I KNOW ITS ADANNA!" (Adanna is his old crush who is my bff but she's lesbian so she didn't like him" and he told me "I never treated her anything yet."I told him "THEN WHO COULD IT BE?!" then he went to his bff and told him "denz who's my crush again?" His friend said "it's Joan right?" And Clark said "nope it's Trisha" then I laughed and I said "I got you! HAHAHAHA" and he whispered something to his friend saying "it was a lie bro" and then he ran. And then in the afternoon we played a game on our Filipino subject and we were in the same group and then I accidentally got a big scratch on my arm because I was holding something sharp and then I asked him if he has a band-aid and an alcohol and he said yes and he asked me what happened, I told him I got a scratch on my hand, and when I sprayed the alcohol on my wound I started to tear cuz it hurts as f*ck and he said "ARE YOU OKAY?!" I said "I'm fine thanks" and then asked him for a band-aid and he said "let me help you with that" and he helped me, and then when school ended me and Clark went to the waiting shed because I was asking him who his crush was and he said "who's your crush first?" and I Was nervous to say that I like him so I said no and his friends started to take videos and pictures of us which made me and him shy, and when his friends left he said "You really want to know who's my crush mh?" And I said "yea cuz you said to guess it tho?" And then this happened:

Clark: "I'll tell you who's my crush"

Me: "who?"

Clark: "so uhm it's a Y"

Me: "YURIII!!!"

Clark: "O, U"

*Joan who only heard the letter U* "ITS YURI!!!"

Clark: I said Y-O-U

Me: Whats that??

Clark: What does Y-O-U sound like to you?

Me: You? *realizes*

*Clark left while smiling *

*Joan was left clueless*

and then I messaged him after I got home and said I like him too but I said "I don't really want a relationship or anything else with you yet cuz were still teens" and then he agreed too and he said " I want to know you more before Dating you, I'll wait for you." I said "thank you for understanding."

And the next day I was sent to the clinic but before I left our classroom his friends yelled "HEY CLARK GO WITH JOAN!" he was blushing so am I , and he said no because it will be awkward between us two, my tummy hurts, my head is spinning, my eyes are about to shut, so my friend went with me and I was like a drunk woman walking. And I stayed at the clinic for 20 minutes and when me and my friend went back to our classroom he went to my chair and I was resting that time and he patted my head and said "hey are you alright?" And then I was sent back at the clinic again. And then I got back to the classroom and went to my chair and he also went to my chair and stayed there for a while. And I also caught him staring at me for like 10 times or more.

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