Eye contacts.

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A few days later we were in class and I kept looking at him and my friend kept on telling me that she saw him looking at me so when my friend told me that he was looking at me I looked at him and yep indeed he was looking at me so I blushed very hard that my friend told me that I look like a tomato. We keep on having eye contact, we keep smiling at each other, he keeps giving me funny faces and I realize I WAS BLUSHING. Then school ended and he touched my back and I looked at him and he said "Where are you going?" I told him "I'm going to the band room because we have practice." And before I left he said goodbye to me I was holding back to hugging him because it would be so awkward for each other. Well yea I left and went to the band room to practice with my friends. After the practice I went to the waiting shed to wait for my dad and mom to pick me up, my dad arrived after 30 minutes and then I went inside the car and I started to message him and we were talking. I told him "Heyy my dad already picked me up" he told me "be safe tho" i replied "thank you, did you go home safe?" He told me "yea I did thanks" and on the way home I saw the houses without lights and I realized there was no electricity, so I said "Oh damn there's no electricity in here" he replied "Yea same here tho, me and my brother are the only person here at our house because my parents is in a business trip." I said "Ohh be safe! I hope nothing bad will happen to your parents with this weather." It was raining hard that's why, so we arrived home and I changed my clothes and luckily I can still talk to him without electricity. I already missed him even tho it's been only 3 hours since I last saw him. I was worried and I kept thinking about him while talking to him because there was no electricity, it was raining hard and his parents were not home. And 1 hour later the electricity came back and it stopped raining so we talked for 3 hours and we didn't even realize that we were talking for 3 hours, and when the clock hit 10 pm we said good night to each other. The next day when I got to our classroom he was still not there and there were only 5 people in the classroom and then 10 minutes later he arrived and I smiled at him and he smiled at me too but we were awkward to each other. While we were in class we kept looking at each other and I kept on catching him staring at me, he caught me a lot of times staring at him too, since we were awkward to each other we just look at each other, smile at each other and laugh at each other. I wish I wasn't so awkward around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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