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By the time the train pulled into the station the Inky blue black shawl of night had descended and as the train hissed to a stop and the doors opened cold air flooded in breaking the comfortable warmth of our compartment and forcing us to hurry to don coats and hats. Despite my coat I was shivering intensely as we stepped out onto the platform even with Mattheo's scarf wrapped around my neck and his arm around my waist. Hermione was shivering too both Ron and Enzo had offered her their hats but she refused them both and now they were both watching her with barely veiled concern. I looked at at Mattheo with a knowing grin and he squeezed me closer to her side merriment and panic warring in his eyes. 

"You'll be fine" I promised tilting my head up to him and smiling "I promise. Fred and George already love you" 

He nodded stiffly and I chuckled "What?" He asked looking slightly incredulous 

"I never thought I would see the day when a Riddle got nervous" 

He swatted my arm and I laughed more. Seconds later we made it out onto the muggle station to be met by moody, Tonks, Lupin and Mum. The Twins were already standing with them chatting animatedly as we walked over. I slipped out of his arm but left my hand in his squeezing it tightly before reclining it completely to hug mum. When I stepped away she looked at Mattheo and said with a smile "Good to see you again Mattheo. Glad it's under more pleasant circumstances we barely spoke last time" 

Theo smiled and said "Yes, It's good to see you again and It'll be nice to celebrate christmas with you all." 

"And you must be Enzo" Mum said turning to him and chattering on. Beside me I felt Theo relax by my side and I took his hand relishing the roughness of his callouses as I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand further soothing him. 

We took the tube to grimald place where Theo and Enzo were given Dumbledore's letter to read so we could all enter. We headed straight down to the Kitchen as we couldn't talk in the hallway due to the raging lunatic that hid behind the curtain (also known as a painting of Sirius's mother). 

"Right, I need some help with dinner. Oh don't worry Tonk's dear you rest its been a long day" Mum quickly turned down Tonk's who , for once, didn't argue and just sat down and began chatting to Lupin. 

I got up and and began to help peel potatoes enjoying the disorganized  movement of the kitchen and the sound of laughter and general chaos it felt like home. The home that brought me in when I had been in the orphanage when I was young, the home that loved me. I remember being told a family wanted me after an eternity of suffering. Most people don't remember their life before two. I do. I remember the pain. This bustling household with its loud arguments and eccentric people brought me so much joy and I will be forever grateful for the love and kindness they have shown me.

"Y/n!" Arms wrapped around my hips and I was hefted ,screaming and laughing, oven my big brothers shoulder. 

"Bill! Put me down" I squealed as he began tickling my stomach as I thrashed wildly, kicking the air trying to free myself. "Bill!" I managed through fresh waves of laughter and he set me down smiling. The second I was freed I threw myself at him tackling him (incredibly unsuccessfully) as our tickle war continued. I felt Ginny and the twins fly into the fray before mum shouted at the us to "stop acting like lunatics" and we broke apart. 

When I looked up Theo was grinning at me and I danced over to him wrapping my arms around his neck from behind and leaning onto his back. "You enjoying the anarchy?" I asked laughter bubbling in my voice. 

"very much so" He replied. His eyes glowed with joy despite his tone was serious and I could tell that he was truly happy to be here. 

Dinner was served about an hour later and throughout that time the other members of the order had arrived into the kitchen and sat down so there were now about fifty people sitting around the table chattering animatedly. Tonks sat on my left and Theo was on my right and the twins sat opposite us and had been teasing us for the last five minuets. 

"Do you know he has a picture of you in his dorm?" I asked Tonks in a hushed whisper. 

"No, I don't actually recall the last time I met him"

"He said your his only half decent cousin. Its a picture of you as a toddler holding him" Tonks smiled absent mindedly then leaned over to Theo and said at normal volume. 

"So Y/n tells me I'm your cool cousin" Theo's face split into a toothy grin.

"Well there is limited competition" He chuckled and Tonks threw back her head and laughed in response.

"Okay way to live down my incredible achievement" She gasped sarcasm dripping from every syllable. I shook my head and took another bite of my mashed potatoes. 

During dessert the topic of sleeping arrangements arose since we had all dumped our things in the hall.

"Fred and George you can share with Harry and Ron. That way the girls can have your room." Mum pondered.

"Come on! That's not fair! There's only two of them" Complained George

"Three" dad corrected evenly.

"Yeah but Y/n won't actually sleep in there so it doesn't count" Wined Fred

"And why would she not be sleeping in there" asked mum slightly tight lipped.

I sent Fred a warning look which he ignored as he blurted "Because she's been sleeping in Mattheo's bed for about two weeks now and I highly doubt she's going to stop at christmas" 

I gave Fred a vulgar gesture and turned away to see Lupin holding in a laugh whilst turning slowly red in the face, a leering Mundungus  and my startled looking parents. Sirius broke the silence "are you at least being safe?" Laughter finally erupted round the table and I buried my heated face into Theo who wrapped an arm around me the tiniest amount of pride lacing his smirk as he placed a gentle kiss to my brow.

"Y/n well talk in a minuet. In the mean time there are three free bedrooms on the third floor I want two boys rooms one girls room. Mattheo, Y/n you can have the landing room and Enzo dear there's a spare room next to theirs its not very big but since it'll only be you" Mum reeled off. 

Enzo nodded and smiled warmly as my siblings  and Harry and Hermione  barreled out of the kitchen all trying to get the biggest room. Several members of the order winced at the sounds of Mrs' Blacks screams from above and the kitchen emptied quickly so soon it was just my parents, Sirius, Theo and me.

"Are you being safe?" Mum asked cautiously 

"Yes mum" I replied softly 

"So you are fucking?" asked Sirius conversationally I raised my eyebrows but he continued now speaking to Mattheo "God your dad must be pissed"

"He doesn't know" Theo said slightly gruffly 

My mum nodded understandingly and ushered the two of us up towards the landing room without another word. Dad as he closed the door to leave added jokingly "and please keep the noise down" causing my whole body to flush hot in a rush. 

"So..." Theo said wrapping his arms around me from behind "was that how you always dreamed of telling your family you were sexually active or were you hoping for something just a tad more subtle?"

I shook my head slightly before tilting it back against his chest "That was subtle you should  be glad the twins never heard anything. It could have been much worse" 

He gently kissed my neck and I sighed contentedly tracing the scars on his forearms absentmindedly a soft smile on my face. CRACK. "Fred get the fuck out of our room" I bellowed as my brother appeared on the bed with a camera with which he snapped a picture before disappearing once again. "they're actually trying to kill me" I groaned as Mattheo detached himself from me and we both got ready for bed before climbing into warm covers where I snuggled against the comforting warmth of his chest and fell asleep.

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