23: Binding Promises

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**Chapter 23: Binding Promises**

The quiet of the demon's lair was palpable, echoing the weight of Shoto's sacrifice. The voice that broke the stillness was soothing, its very essence exuding power. "Everything is alright now, Todoroki Shoto. Your lover is safe," the demon remarked.

Shoto sighed, feeling the weight of his years—now significantly fewer. "I traded forty years of my life for him," he murmured, more to himself than to the demon. A momentary pang of sorrow hit him, but it quickly dissolved into resolve. There were no regrets.

His curiosity getting the better of him, Shoto voiced another question. "Can I ask you something?"

After a brief pause, the demon responded. "Typically, I grant a singular wish. But you, you're different. You remind me of someone who once sacrificed their entire life for the sake of the dragon lineage."

Feeling the significance of the demon's words, Shoto hesitated before asking, "How many years do I have left now?"

"You originally had 65 years. Twenty have passed, and I took forty. That leaves you with five years, starting today," the demon explained.

Curiosity ignited again. "Are there other dragons in the world, like Katsuki?"

"Yes, many."

Shoto swallowed, considering the implications. "If Katsuki ever approaches you, asking about my lifespan, could you... withhold that information? Please don't tell him about the forty years or that I only have five left."

The demon remained silent for a while before finally saying, "Young boy, you have my respect. Go to him. Cherish every moment. And remember, regrets are burdens you needn't carry."

"Thank you," Shoto whispered, the gravity of his decision weighing on him.

Suddenly, the ethereal environment of the demon's realm faded, depositing Shoto at the outskirts of the village. The cheerful sounds of the village's annual festival played in the background—a stark contrast to his recent experience.

Shoto's heart raced as he spotted Bakugou amidst the crowd. The young dragon boy's eyes were dark with anguish, fingers absentmindedly tracing the marks left by chains on his wrists. Without hesitation, Shoto approached him, concern evident in his voice, "Are you okay?"

Bakugou's gaze, filled with a mix of anger and relief, locked onto Shoto's. "Let's go," he said tersely. "We need to talk."

Together, they retreated into the seclusion of the forest, leaving the merriment of the village behind.

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