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[This timeline is of their past and not the present timeline (they are ages 9 -10 in this timeline)]

*clang* *clang* the sound of two stones colliding with each other makes the knights nearby weary and run towards the scene

when they reached the scene they saw their young master (Prince Sunghoon) repeatedly hitting a certain part of the wall with a large stone

Head Knight : Young Master?! What are you doing?!

the head Knight yelled angrily to the prince , he swiftly grabbed the stone the prince was holding and gave it to another knight nearby

he grabbed the princes wrist holding it up high causing the prince to stand on his toes

Prince Sunghoon : Ouch!!! Let me go!!!

The head Knight ignored his pleases and orders

Head Knight : Jin , take the Young Master to his room

the head Knight ordered to one of the knights (Jin)

Jin : Yes sir!

as he said that he took the young prince's hand leading him towards his room

[Time skip to a few minutes later (We are still in the past]

after getting scolded by his parents and being received the punishment of being locked in his room for a week the prince (Sunghoon) groaned in anger as he sat on a platform near his window

*knock* *knock* a sound from the window can be heared , the prince looked up and saw his cousin

he was shocked that his cousin had climbed so high to reach his bed room window , he opened the window to let his cousin in

Jay : Gee it took you so long!!

Sunghoon : Sorry

the prince said chuckling

Jay : Whatever!! anyways what did you do today to get yourself in trouble again?!

Sunghoon : I wanted to go out but they found and covered my get away hole!! so i hitted it repeatedly to try and break it off....but the guards heared and was quick and rushed towards the room...

the prince said in a soft tone , his cousin sighed

Jay : This is why i keep telling you to stop being so stubborn and mischievous!! but guess it cant be helped....

The Marquess paused for a minute before speaking again but instead of his usual serious tone he reverted into a blissful tone of speaking

Jay : Ah , i overhead some of the maids talking to each other about the visitors coming to the kingdom and they are staying at the palace!

Sunghoon : Really?! when?!

Jay : They will come in 2 weeks prior from today , so your punishment will be done by then

Sunghoon : Yay!! Sooo who are the visitors?

Jay : Hmm they didn't really say...all i heard was they were the royal family of a kingdom opposite to us

Sunghoon : Maybe its Sunoo and Jungwon's family who will be visiting?!

Jay : yeah maybe

both cousins continued to smile and talk about their thoughts and theories one who the visistors might be

To Be Continued ~ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

• ~Thank You For Reading~ •

• ~See you again next chapter~ •

EDIT : i didn't realized that i put in "plat from" instead of "platform" ;n; and that there are some typos ;n; sorry

•A Royal Engangement• || SUNSUN AU||  ((OLD VERSION))Where stories live. Discover now