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GOJO SATORU PATIENTLY WAITS OUTSIDE the Jujutsu Technical High School's infirmary for his student

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GOJO SATORU PATIENTLY WAITS OUTSIDE the Jujutsu Technical High School's infirmary for his student.

Settled on a lone chair one leg swung and propped over the other, he rhythmically taps his foot on the wooden floor along with the ticking of the obnoxiously loud clock hung on the wall.

Yuji has his trembling hands clasped together in hopes of providing some warmth to stop his cold sweat.

Having accidentally overheard about the current situation, he leans on the wall next to his teacher nervous for whatever might happen in the next few minutes.

Nobara stands clueless and annoyed at the silence yet still due to the suffocating atmosphere. She only hopes for her remaining classmate to arrive soon.

And he does.

"What's with the tense faces?" Megumi walks up to his group, hands in his pockets.

"FINALLY! HOW SLOW DO YOU WALK?!" Nobara exclaims in annoyance and relief.

"Nobara-chan, cut him some slack, hmm? He's about to receive some heavy news, don't bring his mood down already. You can do that later!" Gojo cheers in his usual playful tone.

"Tsk!" Nobara clicks her tongue. Yuji laughs nervously, still unable to form many words.

"Kugisaki, l-let's just leave them yeah? C-come one!" Yuji starts to push Nobara away from the hallway despite her complaints.

Megumi watches confused but waits till they are out of sight.

"So...why'd you call me here? The infirmary no less." The young boy asks his teacher.

Gojo, now standing upright stares down at his student, hands on his hips with his usual smirk on his lips.

"Something really shocking has come to light recently, sure you can handle it?" He asks Megumi in a challenging tone.

Megumi stares back at Gojo's blindfold and then just clicks his tongue.

"Just spit it out."

Gojo lets out a laugh but then starts explaining.

"Two weeks ago, I was sightseeing in Kyoto looking for a nice hotel for a staycation. While I was forming an itinerary I sensed a Grade 1 curse coming from a nearby graveyard.

When I got there, the curse was close to killing an injured woman. And you know me! When I see a damsel in distress I have to save her! Of course, I had to show her my potential as a suitor—"

"What's all this gotta do with me? Did you get married to the woman?" Megumi grumbles interrupting the story-telling since his teacher was getting sidetracked.

"Hahaha! Not quite. Well, she's here in the infirmary. She regained consciousness two days ago but seems to be suffering from amnesia so we can't find where family or friends might be. She didn't even have a phone."

"So? You want me to find out who she was? Sorry, but you're looking at the—"

"We already found out. Right now actually! She started to remember a few things and finally recalled her name. To cut the story short...

She's your mother."

-is incorporating toji's curse during

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-is incorporating toji's curse during...y'know...weird?-

-asking for a friend :)-

-asking for a friend :)-

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