Chapter 18

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Intermediate Care - New Amsterdam

When Harvey arrived at the nurse counter in the middle of the ward, everything stood still. No one spoke, nothing beeped or rattled. All people stared at a monitor on the wall where the news was recorded.

Suddenly the screen turned black. A banner appeared: For ethical reasons, we cancel the live broadcast. A murmur went through the room. The nurses looked at each other anxiously. Suddenly a phone rang, everyone remained rigid and looked at the counter, including Harvey. The nurse at the counter picked up the handset and said: „New Amsterdam Hospital - Intermediate care station - how can I help?" There was also a ghostly silence. No one moved, no one spoke. Everyone remained rigid and looked at the nurse with the phone, who wrote different numbers on a large sheet in front of her. Then she hung up and sighed just before she spoke to everyone:

„Ok, everyone listen briefly. The Supreme Court has just been stormed by the SWAT team. Many injured people are expected, we will get the first more detailed information in 15 minutes. I need the condition of all patients, the number of possible ventilation and monitoring places as soon as possible. We have to clear the rooms."

Shortly after, the hustle and bustle began, everyone knew what they had to do. Meanwhile, Harvey had a more urgent question for the nurse: „where can I find Elizabeth Specter?"

Confused by this question, the nurse looked at him: „and who are you?"

„Her husband. Harvey Specter."

The nurse did not hesitate, looked in the computer and said: „Room 1142. Along there." Then she pointed to the hallway from which Harvey had come. She knew Elizabeth Specter, everyone knew her, the ambitious empathetic oncological pediatrician who didn't give up on anyone.

„Thank you," Harvey said and turned around in pain to go. Even though the nurse behind the counter was busy with other things, she heard Harvey's sighs, his thoughtful gait and saw his blood-stained shirt from behind.

„Is everything okay with you, Mr. Specter?" She asked.

„Yes, everything is fine."

„But there is blood on your shirt! Where does that come from?"

„This is from my wife."

Wait a minute, stop, I'll take a look at it," said the nurse worried, because she didn't believe him. But Harvey ignored them and gone inexorably further towards room 1142. And already the nurse was intercepted at the counter by 3 other nurses who wanted to tell her about the conditions of their patients.

Arriving at the room door of room 1142, it was suddenly pushed right in front of Harvey and a doctor stormed out without a word. Harvey didn't look at her, he looked at the door which just closed, because no matter what would happen behind him now, it wasn't important. He just wanted to go to Elizabeth. She was just the only important thing that was not safe yet. Slowly Harvey opened the door and entered the room unnoticed by Elizabeth. She lay there like an angel. The blond hair on the pillow and the white blanket pulled under the arms, but only one leg was covered. The left leg was raised and there was a thick white bandage on the thigh. Elizabeth was awake and looked thoughtfully out the window. Harvey stood silently in the room until Elizabeth noticed him.

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