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Well this is my first book to ever write, I have a bit of experience in creating stories but never fully developed them so this will be the first story ever I develop, I'll try to post once a week, oh and I don't have a cover as I don't know how to draw, maybe one day I'm gonna sit down and draw one but I don't promise it, i'll gladly accept any review as it would help me understand where I didn't know how to express the action or the motivations, and please be patient as I don't speak English as my native and primary language.
This book will talk about a guy that had depression, after many tries to get well again and stop being depressed that failed every time he decided to oof himself, how is a mystery to even me, he is pretty good at hiding things I suppose, well let's say that in this new world everything he learned and will learn will be extremely useful, he will meet lots of new people some good and some evil, but this time before he falls again in depression he wil- what? I can't tell them yet? Oh ok, you say that I can't tell them anything else? THE MAIN CHARACTER WILL BE ABLE TO- *gets thrown in a basement without wifi for a week*

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