chapter 6 day 3 mommy ?

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Thursday September 21 2023

I heard people talking but you couldn't open your eyes yet but you can move so you crawled into a ball to protect yourself from the people . then you heard a voice again and a door opens or closed . you also feel that there is some thing in your nostrils and that is making your nose itchy you feel that there is also something in your hand but you don't know what .

a little later you got your eyes open but you are very scared you look around to see if your mom is here too but you couldn't find her but you see two men is white coats .

Rhodes : hey little girl do you know your name ?

you don't say anything because you are scared and you don't dare to tell them anything

after a while they leave your room you are curious where you are it looks like a hospital you have been once at a hospital for your mom . but this hospital didn't look like that hospital and you don't know if those doctors you don't know if you can trust them .

after a while the two doctors you assume they are comes back but this time with 4 more men and 2 women came in

you saw that one of them has the same weapon like your mom had for work and one of those mean men . could the been from your mothers work you don't know them or would it be more of those mean people and they are coming to pick you up and hurt you again and what did they do to your mom ? you get even more scared

Dr.Halstead : hey don't be scared i promise you you are save here you can breath easy okay

i am doctor halstead and this is doctor rhodes

Y/N : where is mommy and is she awake ?

the doctors suddenly looked sad

Dr.Halstead : i am sorry to tell you but your mommy has become a star in the sky and a angel in heaven

Y/N : mommy told me when she become a angel she would no longer be alive but that she would Always be in my heart

you cry very hard you had no longer a mom to hug a mom to talk to and now you can't ask her who your dad and grandpa are where are you going to live with people that you don't know

Hank : hey i am hank voight and i can tell you everything is going yo be alright and i knew your mommy

Y/N : ( your eyes widened ) how do you know my mommy ?

Hank : because i am her dad

Y/N : so that means you are my grandpa i have found you or you have found me

you were happy you have finally found your grandpa but you were still very scared you don't know him you don't know if you can trust him and what if he starts to hurt you too .

Y/N : so do you know my dad ? because all i know he is working or was working with you

Voight looks at jay

Voight : do you know your lastname ?

Y/N : no i don't know my lastname

You though could it be the men that grandpa looked at be your father ? you got very tired so you closed your eyes and you went to sleep

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