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Hey guys! I hope you enjoy my first story. Please feel free to comment with ideas you'd like to see.
Nicole's POV:
"WAKE UP LAZY BUTTS!!!" Sam yelled as he barged into Colby's room, camera in hand. Colby mumbled before hiding his face into my neck as I groaned and opened my eyes. "Are your fucking vlogging right now?" I asked. "Yep, welcome to the Sam and Colby YouTube channel! Your face was priceless." I reached over Colby and checked the time on my phone. "Sam, it's 4 in the morning...we don't have to meet everyone until 1!" "Yeah but it's your first time on YouTube and I'm excited so I thought we could start it out with a vlog. Go get some breakfast..." I just rolled my eyes and sighed before shaking Colby awake. One he was awake I kicked Sam out before crawling out Colby's bed and heading to the drawer of my things he has.

As I'm digging through my things, trying to figure out what to wear, I feel a set of strong but gentle arms around me. With a smile I lean back into Colby and look up to see him smiling at me. "Hi beautiful." "Hi handsome." He leans down and kisses me softly before dragging me back to his bed. "Eek! Colby...Sam said to get ready." "I know, but I want to hold you for a few more minutes because in a few hours everyone is going to meet you and love you and then I won't be able to have all to myself." I smiled softly and kissed his nose. "Baby, our first stop is Disneyland because you boys wanted us girls to have an easy transition into this life. If you don't think I'm not stealing you away to my Disney princess moment with my handsome Prince Charming then you need to have this head of yours checked."

We stayed on the bed for a few more minutes before he let me go and I got out my outfit. I walked to the bathroom to get in the shower when I hear the boys downstairs yelling at each other. It's a normal occurrence, they do it playfully and most of the time it's same teasing Colby about me so I just tuned them out by starting some music. I started singing along as I washed my hair and body before getting out and getting dressed. I walked to the door and opened it before letting out a scream. "WHAT THE HELL SAM!?" "You sounded really good so I wanted to get it for your first vlog." I just rolled my eyes at him and heard Colby snicker. "You are like...the most annoying little brother ever." I said with a hidden smirk as I made my way past him. "You know you love having me around."

I chuckled and grabbed my bag and followed him downstairs. "How do I look?"

 "How do I look?"

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"Like you." I smacked Sam shoulder and rolled my eyes. "Go start the car if you're so set on an early breakfast." "You're not my mom..." "I'm a year older than you, now go." He just stuck his tongue out at me and walked away. I walked over to Colby and chuckled. "Is it gonna be like this the whole time?" I asked as he pulled me close to him by my waist. "Oh it's gonna get a lot worse." I threw my head back and whined but soon smiled before starting to take his hand and pull him to the car. "Nicole, wait. I have something for you." Colby gently pulled my hand back before he reached into one of the many pockets in his pants and handed me a long box. "You have to wear what's inside this at every place we go to, okay?" I tilt my head confused before opening the box to reveal a small charm bracelet.

 "You have to wear what's inside this at every place we go to, okay?" I tilt my head confused before opening the box to reveal a small charm bracelet

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"Colby! What's this for?" He stuffed his hands in his pockets and bit his lip gently as he put it on my wrist. "The compass is because I know how much you want to travel the world. The heart is your birthstone and represents my love for you. The "C" obviously is so people know you're my girl. The cross is so you can be safe and protected at any location we go to and the butterfly...well that's what I call you, my butterfly so that one is for you." I was tearing up as I looked at the bracelet and then at him. I placed a gentle hand on his cheek and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. "I love you Colby Brock." He was about to say it back when I heard Sam honk. "I'm going to kill him..."

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