Vat of Virtuosity ☁️

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Requested by: Anabellarain_Wtt


Vat of Virtuosity

Lord of Flame sat patiently at the wooden table, tapping his fingers along the wood instinctively as he tried his best to control his pyromanic urges, beginning to grow impatient. How much longer could he possibly take to finish up? The flame kept changing positions as he sat on the bench, absolutely bored out of his mind. Though, it wouldn't be too long until a familiar, angelic archer came out of the nearby cottage, carrying a tray filled with cups and a kettle. Zephyr set the tray down on the table gently, careful as to not bump any of the snacks over.
"Ugh, finally you're finished! I'm so boooored!" complained the spirit, springing up to greet him. "Hush now, I was only gone for three minutes." the archer replied with a small chuckle, sitting down on the bench, crossing his legs. Wind Archer picked up the tea kettle from off the tray as he hummed a small tune, slowly pouring some water into his cup, the tea bag pigmenting the drink a light green color. "Do you want me to pour it for you, or do you think you could do it yourself this time?" he offered softly, blinking thoughtfully at the other. "Hm... give me that!" the flame exclaimed with a grin, grabbing the kettle forcefully from the archer's delicate hand, though he didn't seem to mind.
Fire Spirit shakily poured the water into his tea cup, sticking his tongue out in concentration, though it still seemed like he hadn't lifted anything remotely heavy in his lifetime before. "It... was a nice try?" the archer spoke up awkwardly, holding his cup to his mouth, taking a sip with such grace. "You're such a show off, you know that?" huffed the flame, setting the kettle down in the water puddle he had made in the middle of the metal tray, crossing his arms as if he were a pouty child who didn't get what he wanted from a toy store. The archer looked at him, tilting his head slightly as if he were waiting for him to continue, setting the cup down on the wooden surface. "You... you do everything with such grace and ease, why do you make it look so easy, why are you so... perfect?" he continued, groaning as he rolled his eyes, getting up from his seat and floating up into the air. "I even burned a batch of the muffins we made!"
Zephyr of Life looked up at the spirit, lightly patting the available seat beside him. He hesitated, though the other floated down to sit beside him. "Sometimes, you can't be good at everything. I have my own talents, such as archery, artistry, craftsmanship, and having more knowledge on survival skills than most. However, I am not good at handling wood or flames." he explained rationally, looking over at him. "Besides, you do have your own talents too, like being annoying." he teased lightly, causing the flame to elbow him, a small snicker escaping from the spirit. "Yeah, and you're a massive jerk sometimes." he smiled, looking up at him with a glint of admiration shining in his pitch white eyes. "Though if I'm being serious, you're extremely talented in the realm of fire magic and sports. I've noticed how athletic you seem to be.." he added to his previous statement gingerly, blinking slowly. "Thank you, Zeph." Fire Spirit muttered happily, kicking his feet as he sat next to the tall archer, staring down at the food they had made. "Now that that's settled... how about we go back to our tea party?" "Good idea, Windy."
With that, the two went back to their tea time, chatting amongst themselves about their special passions in life.

The End.


I made some lil changes to the prompt but I overall tried to keep it accurate to the prompt. I hope y'all enjoy :]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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