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The way I love you

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The way I love you

*One and a half years back*

Jihoon burst through Soonyoung's bedroom making the other jump on his bed out of fear. But Soonyoung's expression was soon replaced with worries as he saw Jihoon's red puffy eyes that were threatening to burst into tears any moment. His fingers were curled up into a fist. Soonyoung came down from his bed and tried to pull Jihoon's wrist to pull into a hug to comfort his boyfriend. But Jihoon swatted his hand away. Soonyoung's eyes followed his hand as it got swatted away. He felt hurt but stil tried to keep his calm. Because, he knew Jihoon wasn't someone to do that without any reason.

"Jihoonie, what happened? Did I do something wrong?" Soonyoung asked worriedly putting his hand on the shoulder of the younger. Jihoon again pushed his hand but this time lightly. "Why didn't you tell me, Kwon?" Jihoon asked in a whisper, looking down as tears were rolling down on his cheeks. Jihoon's voice was so soft and shaky. Soonyoung might've missed it if he wasn't close to the younger.

"Jihoon, look at me. Tell me what happened?" Soonyoung said in a calming voice cupping the younger's cheek, rubbing the tears off with his thumbs. Jihoon looked at his boyfriend with teary eyes. "Why didn't you tell me that you've gotten an offer to learn under your favourite choreographer?" Jihoon demanded looking straight towards the older. Soonyoung stiffened hearing this as he knew where it was going.

"How_how did you know?" Soonyoung asked, scared. "Why did you decline the offer?" Jihoon asked instead of answering, glaring at the older as he demanded an answer. Soonyoung Let go of the younger, averting eye contact with his boyfried. "Answer me. Kwon," Jihoon demanded with a breaking voice, pulling soonyoung's wrist to make him look into his eyes. "I'm sorry, Jihoon. I'm sorry," Soonyoung said freeing his hand from the younger.

Soonyoung slumped down on his bed burring his head in his palms. "Is it because of me?" Jihoon asked even though he knew the answer. Soonyoung didn't say anything. "If it's because of me, leave me," Jihoon said calmly shocking the other. Soonyoung's eyes got bigger as he heard what the other had said. He looked at the younger terrified. "Jihoon, what are you talking about?" Soonyoung cried out but the other was oddly calm which sent chills down soonyoung's spine.

"You kidding, right ?" Soonyoung said shaking Jihoon's shoulders, not beliving what the other had said. "Do you think I can be with you even after knowing that I crushed your dream with my own two hands?" Jihoon said with a bitter chuckle. Soonyoung's eyes were like leaking pipe at this point as tears rolled down on his cheeks wetting every cell it was rolling on.

"If you want me, love me, believe me and believe in us, you'll be going to Japan. If not then I guess that's it for us," Jihoon said bitterly smiling at the last part. "Take your pick, Kwon," Jihoon said as he was leaving Soonyoung's room. But Soonyoung pulled him into hug even before he could leave. Soonyoung bawled his eyes out as he held the younger. Jihoon couldn't keep up his front anymore. He let go of his ego, his everything and hugged the older back as he himself let his tears fall. They both cried in each other's embrace as they both were terrified about theire futures.

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