Chapter 123 - I'll Do It! (1)

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However, contrary to Cale's nervousness, Raon was calm.

"I am indeed a Dragon!"

The blonde Elf's expression became even weirder after hearing Raon's response. To say that another Dragon was not a Dragon was pretty much asking for a fight, but this young Dragon responded back in a cheery manner.

"...Yes, you are a Dragon."

A weak response came out of the blonde Dragon's mouth. Raon nodded his head.

"Yes. And you are a Dragon as well. That is why, nice to meet you! Don't you even know how to greet people?"
"...You're asking me if I know how to greet people?"

Dragons did not greet each other. They might make snarky comments at each other when they met, however, greeting each other? This blonde Elf felt weak after experiencing something like this for the first time in his long life.

Raon extended his front paw to the beautiful blonde Elf. The Elf started to speak after seeing Raon's paw.

"Are you asking to shake my hand?"
"Wow. I've never experienced something like this in my almost thousand years of life."

Wow. Unbelievable. What the hell.

The Gold Dragon continued to sigh as he looked at Raon's paw with an iffy expression on his face. After staring at it for a few seconds, the Gold Dragon asked with a serious expression without shaking Raon's paw.

"Hey... is your IQ really low?"

Raon's flapping wings suddenly stopped.

Poke. Poke!

Cale poked Choi Han's back even harder. They looked like they could start fighting at any moment.


Choi Han's sword came slightly out of the scabbard.

At that moment, the blonde Elf's gaze turned toward Choi Han.
At least, Cale thought it was directed at Choi Han.

But that was not the case.

'Hmm? Why is he looking at me?'

The Dragon's gaze was not at Choi Han, but at Cale, who was peeking his head just the slightest bit above Choi Han's back.

Cale made eye contact with the Dragon. The blonde Elf started to smile. He had felt the aura of a profession that had disappeared a long time ago.

It was the only enemy to the great and mighty Dragons.
This was an aura that he should only feel from the children of the one family that carried on the bloodline of the profession.

'There should be nobody alive that knows about this aura or this power.'

That nostalgic scent blew by the Dragon's face. At that moment, the blonde Elf's pupils became cloudy.


His reptilian pupils turned gold and Cale instantly felt like a surging hail was surrounding him.

'Is this Dragon Fear?'

Dragon Fear was said to instill fear in all lifeforms. Although that was what Cale initially thought it was, this was a bit different. He did not feel any fear.

However, his body reacted once he thought about Dragon Fear.


Cale could feel his heart beating wildly.

Then, the Dominating Aura, the ancient power that Cale had found in the Dragon skeleton within the black swamp, worked together with the Vitality of the Heart and shot out as well.

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