Chapter 31: What Was Left Behind, Part Three: Healing the Damage

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[Content Warning: Mentions of Suicide.]

Everything was going smoothly after the heretics were removed. With each passing day, the new followers became more and more accustomed to their new lives in the cult. Some struggled with their sorted mental afflictions, but none posed a threat to anyone other than possibly themselves. Deoma was still doing the best out of all of them. She had taken to joining Caxton for lunch every day. After the third day, he began to walk with her to the cooking station since she would be meeting him after grabbing her meal anyway. It was the polite thing to do.

A week had gone by, and Nykka was finally prepared to return to her Domain. She had come to a decision on what to do with Narinder. She was going to banish him to live on his own in the forest. He would be banished at sunrise, just as they had been married at sunrise. This decision was under severe scrutiny by Mir̃alai's followers. It was a hot topic as the day approached. Everywhere you went, you were bound to come across multiple debates on whether it was the right thing to do or not. Some soft hearted souls like Aurelia, agreed that killing him wouldn't do anything but add to his trail of hate and bloodshed. Others, the majority with Caxton included, agreed that it would be better for everyone if he was dead. Regardless of anyone's opinion though, it was Nykka's decision. She was his wife, she was carrying his child, and she suffered the most at his hands.

Many followers had shown up to watch the banishment happen. There were a few futile minutes where Caxton attempted to disperse the crowd, but it was no good. He gave up and just watched along with everyone else. It wasn't nearly as spectacular as everyone had expected though. Caxton, for one, was sure he wouldn't leave without a fight. Powerless or otherwise, he would have at least argued. But, he didn't fight. He didn't say a word. The banishment lasted less than five minutes. Nykka declared it officially, and gave her warning that he would be executed under Mir̃alai's authority should he return. Then, she gave him back her wedding ring and sent him on his way. The whole thing was subdued, and even a bit sad. The sadness wasn't for Narinder, of course, but for Nykka. She had been longing to meet her counterpart for centuries. Only for it to end like that... The Followers originally planned to applaud his departure, but the depressing energy of it all sucked that right out of them. When he was out of sight, they quietly went back to their tasks.

Caxton had believed that was the end of it. Narinder was gone, and he'd be dead if he returned. There was no point in worrying about him any longer. However, he wasn't gone. Not really. The things he had done were still echoing through the grounds in the form of his damaged followers. Just two days after his banishment, there was a death in Mir̃alai's cult. One of his followers, a timid mouse named Preeta, had committed suicide. According to Deoma, she had lost everyone she cared about in Narinder's Domain. It had just become too much for her. Mir̃alai held a lovely funeral for her, and she was buried in the graveyard. Days later, a second suicide. It had been another one of his followers, this time a dog named Chiran. Chiran didn't lose family or friends to Narinder, but they were brutally tortured at one point. Chiran's crime? Falling asleep accidentally during prayer. A second funeral was held and he joined Preeta in the graveyard.

After the second death, the mood in the Cult shifted. It felt as if a heavy cloud of gloom had settled over the grounds. Some believed that Narinder had cursed them, and that is why he left so gracefully. That wasn't true, but it certainly did feel that way. The mood amongst the converts was especially tense. As if each of them were wondering who might be next. Mir̃alai checked in with them often. She gave her assurances, her condolences, and her promise that things would get better with time. Caxton began to worry for Deoma. Cracks were beginning to show. Though she would not verbally express it, the way she carried herself was different. She was speaking less, and her mind would often wander mid-conversation. The Faith Enforcer did his damndest to get her to confide in him, or anyone, but she wouldn't.

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