#5 Bad Boy, her friend?

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Jimin dragged Y/n with him towards their classroom. Every passing by student is looking at them with mouth hung open and some girls were jealous and giving the poor girl bitchy looks. About which of course y/n doesn't give a shit. She was busy enjoying the warmth of this cute human's cute,small hands. 

Who will not get jealous seeing jimin with a girl? Park Jimin is also a member of The famous gang of the school. "Bulletproof Boy Scouts."
Every single member has his own unique and hot personality. The seven are famous in the whole school like a prince.

So of course,it was legit for girls to be get jealous by y/n.

Y/n and Jimin enters inside class while the students sitting there are giving them shocked look. 

The cute boy drags her to the back of class where his other friends are already waiting for him and giving "care to explain" look.

"Guys meet my new friend y/n. She is a transfer student." Jimin introduced beaming like the moon. 

J hope flashed his sunshine smile and said. "Hlo y/n myself Jung Hoseok aka J hope."

"Nice to meet you. Your smile is like a sunshine...so bright." Y/n complimented in pure admiration on which the boy let out a small laugh.

"Myself Jungkook."The other boy said with his signature bunny smile.

"Nice to meet you bunny."A pink tint can be seen on his fluffy cheeks due to shyness causing two of his members including y/n to laugh at him.

Y/n looked at other person who is just staring at her with cold face,which he immediately turned away causing the smiley girl to frown. She was confused and maybe was expecting to know his name.

Jimin let out a nervous laugh noticing taehyung's action. However, nothing is new to him. This is what always happens when anyone of them tries to tell him to interact with other students. "Uh, y/n he is Taehyung........Kim Taehyung our another friend."

Jimin introduces as he knows taehyung will never gonna do it no matter who you are.

Y/n glances to a awkward jimin and then again averted her gaze back to the silent boy. Everyone gasped when y/n suddenly brings her face closer to taehyung and whispered innocently yet loud enough to be heard by everyone.

"Are you mute?"

Her comment make others jaw drop and eyes go open wide. Students gasped loudly while Jungkook starts to laugh finding the new girl's word funny. 

"Jungkook." J hope whispers nudging him by elbow who take the hint and zip his mouth.

On the other side taehyung's gaze turned dark when he heard what she just said. His knuckles turned white as he clenched his fist tightly feeling nothing but anger and with those dark eyes he stared right into her eyes. Oblivion to everything y/n passed a sweet smile in return.

"Don't worry. It's not your fault.  God did unfair. How could he do that with this cute boy?" Y/n said not appreaciting the fact.  She was feeling bad for taehyung.


The members press their lips tightly controlling the urge to laugh loudly at y/n's words.  "This girl is calling most hottest boy of the school cute haha.....how disrespecting is it!"
J hope remarked in low tone to Jungkook and both laughed silently.

"Well nice to meet you Taehyung. I will be your friend ok. And I will protect you." .

Being a kind person y/n said and ruffled his dark locks smoothly smiling widely. While the bad boy who is controlling himself  from so long is now loosing his control and starts to turn red when she touched him.

She touched him!

Who the hell she is?

No one dared to approach him and this girl who just came a few minutes ago is touching him.

How dare she?

Taehyung's blood was boiling. The trio noticed his condition and gulped knowing what is going to happen? They are feeling scared for the innocent girl.

Just when he is about to burst on her the teachers voice echoed in the class. Taehyung closed his eyes to control himself while the members sighed relieved.

But for how long?

"Take your seat students." The old lady look at y/n and smiled lightly.
"New student right?

Y/n nodded her head in response.
"Come dear introduce yourself. Class pay attention, today we have a transfer student here."

Y/n look at Jimin who smiled at her and gestured her to go. She walked in front of class and faced the students.
"Please continue." Y/n looks up confidently.

"Hello everyone. Myself y/n. I am a transfer student. Please take care of me because I am too dumb." Whole class laugh at her adorable smile while Taehyung rolled his eyes at her. 

Such a attention seeker. 

"So y/n welcome here. You can take your next to..." She looked around for few seconds. "Taehyung. Kim Taehyung raise your hand."

"It's okay miss I know him,he is my friend." Another innocent act of her caught everyone off guard.

All look at her with wide eyes even the teacher wasn't able to believe what did she just heard.

The bad boy her friend.

This is gonna be interesting.

"Uh ok,please take your seat."

Y/n bows and went towards Taehyung before sitting down next to him who look at her with furious eyes. But she just passed a small,sweet smile in return and focuses on class. 

While nothing was settling well for Kim Taehyung. Everything, her every action,every word was triggering him. He seems unable to get rid of her thoughts and this is doing nothing but pissing him more and more.

He won't let her go easily. 

Poor y/n.🥺
She don't know what's gonna happen with her?🤧🤧

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