24:An Unexpected Event

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  "Why did Kurt and Lina fight?" asked Eric. "The events you have described so far show that they are quite close to each other. A few days after the trial started, they attack each other like enemies."

"This is an interesting question, but I don't have a clear answer. There may be financial interests. Or it could be something else he lived with the robot Lina. And at last, something he lived with Lina before she died. There is no way of knowing."

"It must have been a situation for you," Eric said with a slight smile. There was something wrong with what Paul said.'material reasons'. As he understood, Kurt had little to do with material affairs. Even if he did, it wasn't normal for him to behave like this to someone he believed was his sister. Kurt must have believed for some reason that Lina wasn't real, at least in his own thought.

"Exactly," Paul replied.

"Did their fight happen after the third hearing?"

"Yes. Right that evening. I remember that it was also covered in the press, is it true?"

Eric approached Paul from his seat and,"No, I have the ability to predict the future!" he whispered.

Paul stopped and thought. "Then you tell me," he said.

After a moment's silence, Eric said, "I guess my future prediction skills aren't working that well today. Can't you tell me?"

"Okay," Paul said after laughing, "I'll tell you so," he added.

When Kurt and Lina returned from court, they were quite angry with each other. They tried not to talk to each other for a while. But in the hour after Kurt had dinner, the inevitable argument began.

"WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE?" yelled Lina. Her voice echoed throughout the house. In fact, this shout brought the other robot of the house into the hall. However, that robot only watched the discussion.

"I'm trying to protect you," Kurt said. Even though he had a calm tone, even he himself didn't seem to believe what he was saying.

"By making me your property?" she asked. She didn't shout this time, but it could still be said that he was angry. "At first you treated me to the police station as your own property. And now you're preventing me from having an official personality."

Kurt remained silent. He was more incapable of responding than not giving an answer. He was just staring at Lina.

"I am Lina. I copied your whole personality. She's me now. This is not on debate."

"I have a feeling you can't be Lina," Kurt said. He turned his eyes away from Lina.

"This is not a problem you can solve with your feelings," Lina replied. Kurt was silent. "Is it about company stocks? Do you like running the company alone, Kurt?"

Kurt felt stuck. "This is not true," he said. He didn't want to talk any more. He didn't think so, but what Lina said made him feel bad. He was doubting himself. Was he really acting this way out of greed? Did money get in the way of your dreams?

"I didn't know my brother was so greedy," Lina continued, putting her hand on her forehead. "I thought you were a humble person who helped me with everything. I can't believe I'm so blind."

"I think I made a mistake somewhere," Kurt said, and started walking towards Lina. "I'll go to the lab and find out what happened." To turn Lina off, she had to press and hold the button under the synthetic skin on her neck for five seconds.

As Kurt put his hand on Lina's neck, Lina grabbed Kurt's hand and pushed it away, "Leave me alone," she said. But Kurt tried to reach out again. This time Lina slapped Kurt. Kurt lost his balance due to the impact of the slap. As he fell, his head hit the nesting table next to the sofa. His eyes were completely closed when he fell.

Lina called the ambulance as soon as she saw Kurt's condition. She had a worried expression on her face. "Kurt!" she called out, but Kurt didn't answer. He had lost consciousness. Lina called Kurt again. But still no answer...

"How could Lina hurt Kurt? Isn't it against the First Principle to physically damage a human?"

"I cannot say that I know the answer to this question. But I guess it's a copy error. All robots must be tested for the Five Principles. In this test, possible scenarios are tested with some questions. I think I'm pretty sure Kurt didn't do this test when he did Lina."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I can't think of any other logical explanation," Paul said.

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