All That I Have Left

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When he heard the door open, Molten didn't even have to open his eyes to know it was Bryan.

All humans have their own unique pattern when it comes down to their heartbeat. Hell, even their breathing patterns tend to be rather distinctive, and Molten had gotten pretty familiar with Bryan's.

Of course, it seems to have had slight... alterations.. since Bryan had been brought back. At first it wasn't noticable, but now, Molten could hear it clearly. The slight off beats here, a couple missed beats there. The way Bryan sometimes had to take a deep breath like he was exhausted, as if he couldn't get enough air in his lungs, despite having hardly done anything at all. All these bright neon signs pointing at the fact that he was dying. Molten was almost amazed at the other animatronics not realizing this. Almost. He was more frustrated than anything.

What did make him crack an eye open, however, was the increased speed of his pulse. As he did this, he immediately noticed the bothered frown on the man's face. Molten's ear slightly twitched at the sound of a sharp breath being taken in.

"...Molten," spoke the business owner, his tone assertive and steady. His heartbeat, however, was anything but that, as another misplaced beat interrupted the regular rhythm.

Molten responded with a hum, slowly opening both of his eyes to look at the man in black and red. As Bryan slightly shifted his arms, that's when Molten took proper note of the large box he was carrying. It seemed heavy. Normally, Molten would've offered to carry it, as he used to do during the old park days (after watching and laughing at him struggling for a bit), but as of right now, he wasn't in any good condition to help. Then again, even if he was...

Molten's thought process was cut short as Bryan finally properly entered the room, allowing the door to close behind him. He once again shifted the box in his hold, carefully making sure that it was steadily secured in his arms so that it wouldn't slip out of his grasp. Molten watched, as the man slowly placed the box down among the other boxes, before he then made his way towards Molten, stopping by the bed and looking down at them momentarily. Despite their curiosity, Molten didn't say anything as the brunet sat down on the floor, quietly leaning against the side of the small bed that the large animatronic was lying on.

The room was filled with silence, minus the sounds of electronics humming as well as the sound of an anxious heart beating rapidly. They remained like that for a good while, until Bryan eventually sighed.

"...why won't you let me fix you?"

Molten's ears perked up at the question, as he looked at the other. Bryan was still facing away from them, his head low as his arms rested on his knees that were brought up against his chest. They watched the man tap his leg with his finger for a bit, before they sighed.

"Because knowing how you have been acting recently, I'm sure there would be some sort of strings attached. That, or maybe a virus."

"You don't trust me?"

"I trust the man you used to be." As Molten said this, he listened as the other's heartrate increased, if only for a moment. He wasn't sure if that was due to what he had said, or because of Bryan's condition.

When he realized Bryan wasn't going to say anything, he continued. "Besides, you know you don't need to fix me. I am perfectly capable of doing that myself. If you truly cared about me and my 'health', you'd hand me the supplies and let me fix myself. You know that I can."

The man didn't grace him with a response. Instead, Molten heard him let out a quiet breath, before he got up. They watched as Bryan left the room without sparing even a glance at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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