11 | Fool's game revenge

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We were all sitting inside our booked compartment when the train started to move.

It was rather early in the morning, around 7am if I remembered correctly.

"Mon dieu.. so we are finally heading to India."
Polnareff mumbled while looking out of the window before turning to face me, leading me to look up and face him as well.
"And the man with to right hands is called 'Centerfold'.. right?"

"That Stand user from yesterday told us so, so it's not for sure. At least we can assume that he is the man you are searching for, Polnareff."
I replied to him, leading everyone to nod at me in agreement before Polnareff nod in understanding.

"By the way, where did Anne run off to?"
"She was hanging around Singapore Station right before our train departed, but.."
"She vanished. Remember? She came to Singapore to meet up with her father, I'm sure she found him."
Polnareff changed the topic. Joseph and Avdol started a conversation with him while Kakyoin, Jotaro and I were listening to them.

"Well, that story about her dad sounded fishy to me, I would have bet she's a runaway! But, it is a bit lonely without that little rugrat, right, you three?"

Kakyoin and I nodded in agreement.

"That Stand you two told us about earlier was pretty eerie, (Y/N), Jotaro. It freaks me out that a Stand could disguise himself as me."
Kakyoin spoke up, changing the topic again.

"You know, I have been thinking about it. He must have transformed when I entered old man's room, so when I left, I thought it was you standing there waiting for me."
Jotaro remarked before I also spoke up.
"It was really weird seeing you behave like that, it wasn't like you at all. I'm glad it's over."

"JoJo, those cherries, are you going to eat them? Not to be greedy, but they are my favourite. Can I have one?"
Kakyoin asked while pointing at the small plate in front of Jotaro. Jotaro was eating a cake, but he took of the cherries from the top.
"Yeah, sure."
"You're the best."

Kakyoin put the cherry he took into his mouth, rolling it visibly on top of his tongue, just like the enemy Stand user did. yesterday.
"Rero rero rero.."

Jotaro and I looked at each other, disgusted by what Kakyoin was doing, but we chose not to tell Kakyoin since he was enjoying himself and it was not his fault we associated it with Yellow Temperance's user.

"Hey, look you two! Flamingos in flight."
Kakyoin remarked as he stared out of the window.

"Yare yare daze.."
Jotaro sighed while I smiled at Kakyoin innocently.

We arrived in Calcutta, India the next evening, thus travelling over one day without being attacked.

"Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore.. so the Indian leg of our journey is finally upon us.. but, well, I'm a little bit worried. I mean is there anywhere to get a cheese burger there? I always heard India was the land of curry and disease."
Joseph remarked, before Polnareff also spoke up in concern.
"I'm worried my stomach won't be able to handle the culture gap.."

Avdol giggled before soothing the two of them.
"The assessment is rather distorted. You needn't worry. It is a beautiful country with extraordinary people. That I assure you, my friends."

As soon as we left the train, personell from the Speedwagon Foundation took our luggage and brought it to our reserved hotel rooms while we decided to have a look at the city before getting to the hotel ourselves.

We left the train station and while looking around to orient ourselves, a mass of different people surrounded us already.

I was afraid to get lost from the group, since I was noticeably smaller than the others, so I put my hand on Kakyoin's arm for secureness.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x Reader | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now