18 | A lover's way

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In the nearest town, we lend a horse carriage to get to coastal Karachi, the biggest city of Pakistan, where we arrived one day later.

"Hey, a doner kebab joint! Let's stop and get something to eat."
Joseph suggested before stopping next to the kebab shop.

Polnareff and Kakyoin were sitting on the back rows with Enyaba while Jotaro, Joseph and I sat on the front row, leading the horses.

Joseph jumped off the carriage to walk up to the salesman.
"Excuse me, sir. I'd like six of those, please."
"That will be 1500 rupees, please."
"1500 rupees?"

In Islamic cities and countries, it is usual to negotiate prices instead of having a fixed price. Varanasi was no exception. Thus, salesmen use first-time visitors as perfect targets for exploitation.

"Don't mock me! That's far too much for a handful of kebabs."
"Well, for how much would you buy them for?"
"Make it 500 rupees for six."
"If I sold them for that cheap, my wive and seven children would starve to death!"

"Then maybe I'll just buy them somewhere else!"
"Okay, friend. I very much like foreigners. I'll sell six for 1000 rupees."
"Then make it 700!"

"700 it is. Thank you very much!"
The salesman smiled brightly before handing over a bag with our kebabs inside.
"Any time again!"
Joseph waved goodbye at him after turning around to approach us again.

Once he stood in front of our carriage, he opened his eyes widely.
"Holy crap! Turn around, that old lady is awake!"

"I.. I promised you.. I won't tell anything to them, I swear! Why are you here?! What could you possibly want from me?! Do you think I would tell them the secret of Lord DIO's Stand? I am and shall always be his loyal servant!"

She didn't take her eyes away from the salesman who approached us while taking off his sunglasses.

Enyaba's scream caused me to flinch before the carriage started to shake violently. Jotaro pulled me against him before he, Kakyoin, Polnareff and I jumped off.

"What the hell are these worms coming out of her?!"
Polnareff yelled in disgust, causing me to look at Enyaba lying on top of the collapsed carriage. The horses took their opportunity to storm off into the distance.

"Why have you come to kill me?!"
"Lord DIO places his trust in no one. Not even you, Enyaba, that is why. And it's my job to make sure that you will never speak again."
The salesman replied to Enyaba before taking off his turban and coat, unveiling his shoulder long black hair and tanned, muscular body.

"As for the rest of you, the only way you're leaving is in pieces. You can call me Dan, Dan of Steel. My Stand represents the one and only Lovers card. I will make sure that all of you meet the same fate as that pathetic witch Enyaba."

The Lover's card upright means partnerships, choices and commitment, while in reverse it means broken relationship, infidelity and separation.

"How could you?! That old lady was one of your own, you son of a bitch!"
Polnareff sneered at Dan before kneeling down next to Enyaba.
"Lies.. lies..! Lord Dio would never do such a thing to me..! I am his loyal servant..! Loyal!"

"Those things coming out of her aren't from a Stand!"
Kakyoin noted, leading everyone to look at him for a moment.
"Don't you see it? They are actual tentacles!"

"I dedicated everything to him..! Lord Dio would never do me such harm..! Lord Dio is my only reason for living! We trust each other wholeheartedly..! He'd never plant a Flesh Bud in me!"

I looked at her with my eyes wide open before turning to glance at Dan.
"What did she just say?!"

"Hold on, grand-mère!"
Polnareff summoned Silver Chariot to slice a few tentacles. As soon as they fell down on the ground and touched the light, they disintegrated.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x Reader | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now