24 | Submarine warmth

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"I still don't understand how you all could hide this from me.."
"Let's not talk this through in the hallway. (Y/N) is still sleeping."
I heard Polnareff's and Jotaro's voice dimly in the distance.

So I fell asleep on the couch then..

"She's sleeping unusually long, no? Should we check on her?"
Jotaro agreed before faint knocks were heard on my door.

I slowly opened my eyes, finding myself in a still dark room. The windows were covered by curtains so not to let the sun in, but it was already after dawn.

I placed my hand on my forehead when the door opened and the two men walked inside.

"Good morning, (Y/N), are you awake and feeling ok?"
Polnareff inquired with a soft voice while my eyes slowly adjusted to the light they let inside.

How weird.. I was lying in a bed, so someone had to carry me here. But why didn't I wake up once they did? It's rather unusual for me to be deeply asleep like I was this time.

"For how long have I been asleep..?"
I asked still sleepily as I lifted my upper body up to finally look at them.

"For good 12 hours, considering you fell asleep yesterday at 9pm."
Jotaro replied quietly, leading me to look at my hands.
"12 hours, huh..?"

"We are about to eat breakfast. Do you want to come as well? If you wish we can bring it to you to bed."
Polnareff suggested, leaving me only to shake my head.

I slowly moved up from bed while stretching myself.
"I'll come with you."

The two of them didn't stop me from standing up, so all three of us left the room to go to the kitchen.

Once we stood in the doorway, Kakyoin greeted me.
"Oh, good morning (Y/N), I hope you had a good rest."
"Good morning to you, too."

"Your eyes look glassy, you know. Are you feeling alright?"
Joseph asked me while I slightly fixed my hair, letting it fall back.
"I just woke up, that's probably why."
"Yeah, right, I hope so."

"Jotaro, Polnareff, did you wake her up?"
Avdol asked them, both of those giants still standing behind me like some bodyguards.

"We quietly went in the room but she was already awake."
"Yeah, I just woke up before they entered the room. No worries."
I added to Polnareff's statement before sitting down at the table across from Kakyoin.

Avdol and Joseph were standing at the counter, waiting for the water to finish boiling.

"You know, I just talked to Jotaro about it, but I still can't believe you pretended to be your father."
Polnareff remarked, leading Avdol to lower his head slightly like he always did.
"I apologise again. But I had a very good reason for coming to this place disguised."

Both of them continued their conversation while all of us were listening. I put my hands on the table, looking at them for the whole time.

"Yeah? What was it?"
"It was partially so the enemy wouldn't find out, but Mr.Joestar also had me do some shopping for him."

"Oh? What kind of shopping?"
"It was a very conspicuous acquisition. I disguised myself as a wealthy Arab gentleman to buy a submarine."

After Avdol's remark, I turned my head slightly back to look at Jotaro.

A submarine must be epsecially interesting to Jotaro since he was interested into marine and marine life. Being on board would be a very interesting experience for all of us though.

"Cheer up already, Polnareff. We will have breakfast and continue our journey together again."
Joseph smiled brightly, turning around to place his hand on Polnareff's shoulder.
"I guess so.."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x Reader | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now