Aftermath for LeShawna

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LeShawna's POV:
After harold's death,things have been quite...sad and weird,if it weren't for Gwen and the others i would be crazy by now thank god im not.We all somehow survived except the ones who died.Im not joking, Everyone is in a mess its horrible.Harold...i miss him so much He didn't deserve death. Im just glad we started therapy.Dawn's a sweetheart not gonna lie."So Dawn? how to not see them?" I ask the girl.Dawn said "stay away from the things they loved alot so you wont go mental".i stand up,Thank her and walk away,tears in my eyes.My brain tells me to forget Harold but my heart says no,God i miss him so much i actually started to watch some anime and play video games like Harold loved,one night im tossing and turning in bed remembering my lover i feel like im hugging him and as i open my eyes,its his dead body,i scream in fear and realised that it was a nightmare.i must have woken up Gwen because she entered my room.We all moved in together after iots."are you ok?" The goth questions.I nod at her,she notices my tears and pulls me in for a hug.I was never the crying softie but after harold's death i cried myself to sleep.I wasn't the only one.Cody and Gwen did it too.My sweet Harold didn't deserve death.Im glad Chris fucking McLean is dead.
Next will be Cody! Hope you enjoyed!!!
Words: 252

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