29 | Hospital / Looking out for me

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I didn't remember a thing about what happened after I completely passed out.

The only thing I remember is me feeling absolutely bad but lying in a comfortable bed, compared to our recent shelters.

I opened my eyes slightly and turned my head to the left. I noticed two things once I did so. First, Kakyoin was in a room with me, on a different bed with bandages around his eyes. Secondly, my eyes burnt like hell and made my head hurt more. I was sensitive to light, thanks to my fever.

I closed my eyes again and turned to the right, not minding what was going on right then. Not that I actually could have helped it anyway.

It knocked on the door before it was opened, and footsteps were heard coming closer.

"Hello there."
Kakyoin greeted the others softly, probably thinking I was asleep.

"I see. We should stay quiet as not to wake up (Y/N)."
Avdol's voice resounded, leading me to slightly smile to myself.
At least he was safe and sound.

"I can imagine she doesn't want to be greeted by sunlight when she wakes up. Kakyoin, would it bother you if I would close the curtains? You can't look out of the window anyway."
Jotaro said as he approached the curtains, closing them right after, thus implying that Kakyoin shook his head as a response.

"Have your injuries improved, Avdol?"
Kakyoin asked Avdol.
"Yes. But as relieved as I am, I'm even more relieved knowing you're alright."
"Yes, well, I was fortunate there was no significant damage to my cornea. I'm expected to make a full recovery."

Kakyoin spoke up again.
"that takes me back to middle school. During what should have been an ordinary game, one of my classmates took a baseball to the eye. He was good as new the next day. His eye has only lost a bit of fluid, as it turned out."

"Wait, are you serious?!"
Polnareff asked in disgust.
"I'll get these bandages off in no time. I'll catch up with you later. In 800km are Cairo and DIO. Everyone, you must be vigilant."

"Glad to know that everything will turn out fine for you and us. The doctor told me that (Y/N) won't take long either to recover, so both of you can rejoin us together if you're ready."
Joseph informed Kakyoin and unknowingly me as well.

I'm glad to hear Kakyoin is feeling alright and not in too much pain. Knowing that he will recover with his eyesight intact makes me truly happy inside. A very warm feeling indeed...

"It's time for us to go soon."
Avdol remarked, leading the others apparently to nod and make approving noises like "mhm".

"Hey, Kakyoin."
Jotaro's voice resounded before someone approached my bed.
"Make sure to take care of her while I'm gone, actually while we all are gone. Make her eat."
His voice resounded, a little bit lowered and closer to me. So he was the one approaching me.
"Heh. Sure I will, she is precious to me, too."

"Ready then? Let's get going. Recover well, Kakyoin. Tell (Y/N) that we will move on and wait for you to rejoin us."
Joseph ended the meeting.

"See you."
"Recover soon!"

I probably fell asleep again after it went quiet, because the next time I woke up the sun was already setting, as I noticed from the light coming through on the sides of the curtains to be a little bit more orange.

Kakyoin was lying on his bed, so I only softly called out for him.
"Kakyoin, are you awake?"

He lifted his upper body up and turned his face to me, but his eyes failed to meet mine as they were hidden behind those bandages.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x Reader | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now