32 | Jotaro's and Kakyoin's video games

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Once Iggy's wounds were treated, we were on our way to the rest of the group, that is doing well according to the Speedwagon Foundation's sources. They also have reported before that Iggy split from the group, so it's safe to assume that poor Iggy had to fight the enemy Stand user alone.

While I was holding Iggy in my arms, Kakyoin and I walked in silence, seeing the sun setting slowly. Suddenly, Kakyoin stopped.

"What's wrong? Jotaro and the others should be just around this corner."
I asked him as I turned around to face him, stopping as well.
"I would appreciate you to approach them yourself first. I want to mentally prepare to see them again, after all, they saw my eyes being hurt so much, and they didn't see me like... this. Is that ok?"
"Yes, of course. They will be very happy to see you being safe and sound, I know that, just don't take too long, it's nothing you can avoid anyway."

I smiled at him as I walked around the corner with Iggy in my arms, seeing the others looking into our direction already, with Jotaro at the front.

"(Y/N)! And Iggy!"
Polnareff exclaimed running past the others to get to me first.
"Yeah, Kakyoin and I found Iggy pretty beaten up. You should be more careful with letting him go, ok?"

"We were worried about Iggy already. I'm glad to see he is alive, although a bit beaten up. This definitely looks like the works of a Stand user."
Avdol told me before I petted Iggy.
"You think you'll be fine walking again, Iggy?"

I let Iggy down carefully and went back up when he touched ground with his three remaining legs. He seemed to do just fine, sitting down and waiting for us to continue talking.

"I'm very happy to see my angel back. How have you been?"
Joseph asked me, making me giggle.
"I'm feeling much better than the last time you saw me, obviously, but I'm more relieved to see all of you well, and, well, alive."

I smiled at the men before turning my head to Jotaro who was right next to me, and our eyes met for a couple of moments. Although it was only for two or three seconds, my heart still skipped a beat and I started to feel hot. The power his bluish green eyes and cold stare hold.

He put his hand on my head to rub my hair a bit.
"I'm glad you're back and healthy again."

He broke our eye contact and took his hand away when he looked past me. I looked into a complete different direction and took a deep breath. I didn't remember Jotaro having such a powerful impact on me, or maybe it only developed over the time I stayed at the hospital?

"What's wrong, Jotaro?"
"I heard something."
Jotaro answered Joseph bluntly, leading all of us to look into the direction he was looking at, turning around while fixing my hair.

"Is there someone following us?"
Avdol asked him, leading him to shake his head.
"No... I thought I heard a voice calling for us."

"Maybe you're not wrong."
I told him while smiling at him, and just in that moment, Kakyoin walked out of a corner.

The men chanted, even Jotaro, walking up to him.

"If it isn't Kakyoin! Hej! How are your eyes? Are they completely healed?"
Polnareff bombarded him with questions, while I spaced out behind them, looking at the sky and the setting sun.

I came back to my senses when I felt Iggy's weak paw touch my leg. I looked down at him and saw him walk away into a direction, stopping to look back at me.

"Hey, guys, I hate interrupting you, but I think Iggy wants us to follow him."
I interrupted the boys, leading them to nod and walk up to me.

"Where exactly does he want us to go?"
Joseph stated as he followed Iggy, shortly being followed by Polnareff.
"Iggy! Wait up."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x Reader | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now