33 | DIO's presence

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That overwhelming presence coming from right behind me took my breath and voice from me. Shivers ran down my spine when the person behind me spoke up.
"You're right, he is not, for I am DIO."

I took a deep breath to find back to my senses. I had to act tough now, because if not now, then when? I lifted up my chin a bit, trying to gain confidence by having a confident posture - it worked.
"Not really nice to finally meet you, DIO."

He let out a giggle as he walked past me very slowly, taking the overwhelming feeling with him.
"I already thought you're a tough one, Miss (Y/N)."

"So, DIO. You wanted to talk to me. Why?"
I asked him, daring to look up at him, seeing only his side profile a bit, since he wasn't looking at me. He was very tall - just as tall as Jotaro and Joseph, about 1.95cm (6'5"). I guess it runs in the Joestar's genes to be tall, as DIO's body once belonged to Jonathan Joestar.

You could actually spot the place where his head united with Jonathan's body. Just above the collar of his yellow outfit, you could notice a scar going all around his throat.

A vampire. A real vampire in front of me. He survived all that, about a hundred years ago.

Does he want to pressure answers about the Stardust Crusader's Stands out of me? Maybe he knows already and just wants to confirm? Or he doesn't know and will place a flesh bud into my forehead like he did with Kakyoin's and Polnareff, so I'll mindlessly tell him.

"Do not worry, young lady, I won't hurt you. Not yet, at least. It wouldn't be very honourable of me, since you showed so much courage and determination already."

What does he mean? Is anything he ever does truly honourable? And why should I ever trust him telling me that he won't hurt me just yet? What if I give him an answer he doesn't like?

"Tell me, (Y/N), why are you here?"

I tilted my head downwards to the side. I just asked him why he wanted to talk to me, now he asks me why I'm here?

"I'm not talking about why you're here talking to me."

I looked up at him again, this time, he turned to look at me, too. His eyes. His fangs. His cold stare. His thin eyebrows.

"I'm asking you why you accompanied the others to come to Egypt, to me. Risk your life."
"Because what you're doing is wrong, DIO."

"Despite that, all the others have a reason to be here other than the for you obvious. Revenge. Look at Kakyoin and Polnareff. I infected them with my Fleshbud. Joseph and Jotaro because they feel my presence affecting them and their loved ones. Avdol because I threatened his existence."

I sighed in frustration and a bit of annoyance before he continued. My previous answer still stands, what is his point? Technically, he was threatening me too.

"What aspired you to come here? Is it really your sense of what's right and wrong? Do you love humans this much? Or do you not cherish the life you have?"
"I'm sure you ran some background information on me, so you should know my past and maybe my aspirations in life."

"Little one."
Right after he spoke, he suddenly stood in front of me, holding my chin up. His fingers were so cold, as cold as the ice I create with (Stand).

I gasped and took a step back, leading him to let go of me. He moved very, very, like very fucking rapid.

"You're someone of high interest for me. Someone that altruistic, brave and smart, reminds me of whom the body I am in once belonged to."
"I don't have any other reason than to do what's right. Imagine closing your eyes upon a threat that you could be part of going against, especially with an ability that was granted to you for maybe exact that reason."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x Reader | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now