Chapter 6

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The next morning with a sharp pain in my stomach. I sat up slowly and lifted my shirt to examine the wound. There was a large purple bruise on my stomach. I groaned and got out of bed. I walked to my ensuite bathroom and took a shower. After about 25 minutes I got out and walked back to my room. I walked over to where my phone was sitting on my bedside table and checked the time. 8:56 it read. I began to panic but remembered that my mom said I don't have to go to school today. I got dressed into a pair of grey joggers and a white sweatshirt. I ran my hands through my hair and walked downstairs to the kitchen. There was a white sticky note on the fridge from my mom.

Working half day today so I'll see you at lunch xxx ~ Mom

I opened the fridge and got out a jug of pancake batter that my mom made last night. I poured some into the pan and waited for it to cook. I decided to run to my room and get my phone quickly. Once I got back from my room I flipped over the pancake and waited for the other side to cook. Once I had about 5 pancakes I poured some syrup, lemon and sugar onto them and dug in. Halfway through my breakfast my phone rings next to me. I lick my fingers and pick it up.
"Hey Zayn. I just wanted to checking to see if you're ok," the person said. I moved my phone away from my ear to check the caller ID and it was Niall.
"Oh hey Ni. I'm fine thanks. Still a bit sore but fine," I look up at the clock above the sink. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I smirked even though he can't see me.
"I asked to go to the bathroom. Better run before they think I'm taking a huge s.hit," he chuckled.
"Ok then. Bye Nialler."
"Bye Zaynie," he said hanging up. I put my plate in the sink and washed my hands. I walked around the house, not knowing what to do and decided to go watch a movie in the theatre room. I went up to the control panel above the seats and put in the movie 'Scarface'. I walked down to the seats and relaxed in my seat waiting for the movie to start.

"Zayn I'm home," I hear my mom say walking down the hall.
"In here mom," I call to her.
"Hey sweetie. How are you," my mom said walking in and giving me a hug.
"Feeling much better thanks," I smile at my mom, hugging her back.
"That's good. So what've you been doing all day?" she asks me.
"Watching a few movies. I think this is my third one," I answer.
"Have you had lunch yet?" She asks looking at the screen in front of us.
"No, why?" I reply with a question.
"Then let's go out and have lunch. Just you and me," she smiles.
"Sure. Let me just go put on something better," I say standing up. Once I get to my room I change and put on a pair of black jeans and a white shirt. I decide not to style my hair because I'm lazy. I walk downstairs and find my mom standing by the door leading to the garage where the cars are parked. She smiles and takes the keys to her car and opens it.

We arrive at a small restaurant and get out.
"One of my friends owns this place," she says to me. I simply nod and follow her inside. We sit at a table and a waiter walks over to our table.
"Good afternoon ma'am, sir. My name is Jason and I'll be your waiter today. Would you like to hear our specials for today?" He says.
"Oh no thank you. I think we will just look at the menu and call you when we are ready," my mom smiles looking at me. I nod my head at the waiter who smiles and walks away.
A few minutes later he comes back and asks us what we would like to eat. After taking our order he walks off into the kitchen and I turn to my mom.
"Talk to me Zayn. I haven't had a proper conversation with you in forever. You know all the work and stuff has been taking me away," she says looking into my eyes.
"Nothing much has happened really. Louis stayed over and so did Niall. Nothing special," I say to her.
"Oh that's great. I haven't seen them in a while. Jay invited us to her house for dinner. She says that she's graduating in a few weeks and becoming a doctor. Isn't that exciting?" My mom beams.
"Very. I'm very happy for her," I say with a half smile. My mom sighs.
"Baby what's wrong. You've been down recently. Please tell me what's wrong," my mom says reaching out for my hand.
"I don't know mom. I just haven't been feeling anything for a while. I don't know what it is. I think it's because I haven't seen you and dad much and I'm starting to feel lonely. I miss those days when me and you would watch movies in my room all night and just have a great big laugh and me and dad going to the go-karting place and having a great time. I just... I miss you and dad," I ramble.
"Oh baby," she squeezes my hand. "I didn't realize that you were feeling like this. It's just that we've been opening the offices in New York and we haven't really been paying much attention. I'm sorry baby," she smiles at me.
"It's ok mom. I miss traveling with you and dad you know?" I say chuckling.
"Well we are planning a trip to Greece during spring break. You can bring Niall or Louis if you'd like," she says.
"I'll think about it, but I don't think so. We need a family trip." I said.
"We sure do. I have the rest of the day off so we can go and watch movies in your room and have a good time tonight, yeah?" She smiles.
"Yeah," I say as the food comes.
A/N. Hey people. Thanks for reading. This chapter was just there because I had nothing to do and I felt the need to update this story. I have another fanfic to update but I'm updating this one so be grateful. Keep doing what you do. Just finished exams and next week I'm going home to see my family yaaaaaasssss!! No, I don't live with my family. I go to a boarding school about 1500km away from them. It's not that bad actually. Those movies that say "we are sending you to boarding school!!" Are just scaring you. Anyway bye loves. Thanks for reading and voting.

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