three. she's got a book for every situation

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Volume One.

iii. she's got a book for every situation.

Estella sat in the cafeteria with Moon, Yasmine, and Sam

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Estella sat in the cafeteria with Moon, Yasmine, and Sam. The quartet were all scrolling through their phones as councilor Blatt rambled on about random topics.

Estella was about to take her earpods out and was about to listen to music when something the councilor said caught her attention.

"Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day, a mother called me up because her son was crying, after some kid made fun of his facial deformity," the idiotic woman stated.

People started whispering and pointing at Eli as he tried to cover his scar. Estella scoffed and rolled her eyes. She would have shouted at the woman, but she'd gotten in trouble too much already.

The woman continued to speak as if though she hadn't just made the situation worse for Eli. She basically called him out and she wasn't even stopping to consider that she was making things worse for the poor boy, "But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students."

Estella glared at the older woman as she continued about other useless topics. Estella looked over at the table seating the trio of boys and saw Miguel speaking to Eli, and the boy smiled at the Latino. Demetri seemed to be going on a spiel and looked quite annoyed.

Miguel looked up to see Estella looking straight at him. She seemed to be observing him, and he was rather shy as he lifted his hand to send her a small wave with a smile. Estella grinned at the adorable boy and tilted her head, lifting her hand and waving it.

She chuckled as a rose colored shade of blush spread across his cheeks. She turned her attention back to Blatt.

"Oh, and one last thing while we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of sexy nurse, maybe try gender neutral hospital employee."

Estella looked over at Moon, and the two smirked at one another. They were getting matching costumes, whilst Sam and Yasmine were going as laker girls.

Suddenly, Aisha's chair slid over next to Sam. Aisha grinned at her blue eyed friend and looked up, catching Estella's eyes. She gave the girl a small smile. Estella grinned at her. The girls didn't know one another well, but they respected one another.

Aisha turned back to Sam, "Hey, I've got a great idea for out costume this year."

Sam looked over at the girl hesitantly, "Uh..."

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