Part 12

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becky  POV

they looked at me because of my shout freen quickly look at me and then she look at nita really fuck

Prof:"why ms becky do you need something" *look at becky*

Becky: "I can go with her nita dont need to acompany he-" *i started when freen cut me of*

Freen: "prof they i dont need anyone to come with me i can handle my self"

Prof:"if you say so be careful" *look at her*

Freen:"thank you professor" *leave*

Freen POV

*go to rooftop*

Freen: "ahhh!" *shout punch the wall many times until it bleed*

Freen"why did you come back! After you cheat on me haha" *leave go to parking lot and drive her car*

*drive on her car and go somewhere*


If y'll wondering how i get this accually this is from my grandma she give this to me as a gift when im still 15 she said when im sad i can go here because this place have a beautiful view of sky and stars and it's because my grandma know how much...

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If y'll wondering how i get this accually this is from my grandma she give this to me as a gift when im still 15 she said when im sad i can go here because this place have a beautiful view of sky and stars and it's because my grandma know how much i love sky and stars that's why  when im sad i always go here and watch beautiful sunset,sky and stars even my friends don't know that i have this place i quickly park my car and get the key to get in i quickly go to sofa and lay down to relax and calm my mind


Becky POV

When freen said she just go alone i just let her cause i know she need to clear her mind i quickly look at that nita who's now seating in the chair i roll my ayes and just listen to prof

*fast forward*

Prof: "class dismissed" *leave*

Nam: "it's been an hour since freeny leave but she still not coming back" *worried tone*

Lisa: "yes it's dangerous it's alredy dark outside*

Irin: "let's just find her alredy guys"

All of us nod and quickly find freen but it's been 3 hours but we still can't find her i call my bodyguards to find freen immidietly

Kade: "guys let's just continue finding freen tomorrow im sure she is safe she is smart though"

Saint: "yes freen is smart she will not do something"

Nam: "they are right becky let's go home im sure she just need space to clear her mind"

Becky: "ok but if my bodyguards still did not find her until tomorrow we need to find her" *serious tone*

Heng: "ok chill freen is like our family we won't let something bad happen to her"

All of us go to our car and go to our home when i arrive i quickly go to my room and call richie

Richie: "why becky do you have a problem"

Becky: "brother i want you to find freen she's missing just few hours ago" *serious tone*

Richie: " ok but ehat happen to my sister in law?"

Becky: "long story ok just find my love"

Richie: "ok but soon you need to tell me what happen*

Becky: "ok brother"

Richie alredy leave i quickly go to my bed and lay down

Becky: "where are you my love"

To be continue

im really sorry guys im just too busy but i promise i will publish this and finish this story

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