07 : Intertwined fate of two

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[ Warning : Long Chapter Ahead]

Jia's pov

The day has finally come, Today is our engagement and I'm freaking out right now because after a few hours I will be engaged to Jungwon, the love of my life. He will Become my fiance, omg. I still can't believe this is happening and I'm fucking feeling mixed emotions.

I'm in my parents house, in my old room. The last two days, I spent with my parents happily with us talking and going on small trips and strolls at night, this little thing are literal heaven and precious memories to keep.

The fashion show will be held after our engagement and that's a relief because I will have the time to recheck everything and do some adjustments in the cloths lineup.

This two days, Niki is oddly acting a little werid to say the least. And one more thing is that, Niki knows that this is a marriage of convenience between me and Jungwon for our parents sake.

He was literally surprised when me and Won told him this thing after the dinner. I almost heard him heaving a sigh of relief that day and muttered some incoherent words later on that I didn't understand and left it to be like that, not prying much on it.

Flashback on the reunion night

After the dinner,here we are strolling In our back yard. Our parents are still inside talking about the decoration, engagement rings and outfits as it's a surprise for us which we will get to know on our engagement day.

Actually Jungwon excused us by saying that we want to spend some time together before going home and ofcourse our parents agreed. So here we are now, sitting in the Swing, swinging it back and forth.

"Now spill the tea folks."  Niki asked us or more like demanded us.

"What is there to spill, as you already know we are getting married." I said nonchalantly but my insides are churning from nervousness.

"Wut the phook !? How can you say something like that so casually ? Are you two in love with eachother by any tiny winy chance ?" Niki asked us surprisingly nervously.

Oh boy, just hiw much I wanted to say yes tou your question Riki but that's not the case here.

"Yup, we love eachother that's why we are getting married." Jungwon said purposely to tease Niki as he is looking somewhat tensed and I didn't know that he was teasing us until later he chuckled seeing our faces morphing in shock.

My breath hitched, what in the living world is he saying ? Did I lost some part of my memories ?

"Sorry I was just kidding but we do love eachother tho as best friends and we are getting married for our parents sake." Jungwon cleared the confusion on Niki's mind. While I felt like my Heart is cracking a little, Everytime I hear him say this.

Niki turned towards as if asking for assurance whether what Jungwon said is true or not. So, I just muttered a yes, nodding at him. He really just now heaved a sigh of relief and some incoherent words which neither I nor Jungwon caught on so we just shrugged it looking at each other.

Flashback ends.

As my Mom is Indian and I have lived some time of my life in India experiencing different cultures, I want my wedding to be like those Indian wedding full of festive occasions celebrated with extensive decoration, colour, dresses, music, dance, costumes and rituals.

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