Victor Whale

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"Dr. Whale?" a hand lightly shook him.

          "Yes?" He answered groggily, desperately trying to look professional and not like a slob. He had fallen asleep in the waiting room.

          "Thought you'd might need this after your heroic deeds done throughout the night" A coffee cup was placed on to the table next to him. He laughed sheepishly.

          "Thank you," he looked up to see who had given him the coffee, "Blue."

          "Anytime." She smiled sweetly and then gracefully walked away. As he sipped his coffee he thought back to how he used to fawn over the fairies and how he wanted to date them, any one of them. Looking back at all of it now, it was rather sleazy. But after last night, he couldn't get it out of his head what Ruby said "she gave us a chance to start over, and I want to take it. And I think you should too." And now he wanted to, he didn't foolishly chase after the fairies, he now saw much more to the world than sleeping with women. But he did have one woman on his mind, he thought maybe it was the underlying buzz of the alcohol still in his bloodstream, but he could not get her out. Ruby. Ruby with her smile and bright energy, her courage and independence. Ruby, and how she saved him from taking his life. Only she knew about it, no one else, so it wasn't such a big deal but he could have drowned, if it wasn't for Ruby. Last night's events still shook him and his slight obsession with Ruby was a bit overwhelming. He needed to stop and clear his mind. He needed to work.

          Nobody had paged him yet so he decided to check the reception and see if anyone else needed anything.

          "Is there a patient I need to see?" Whale asked the nurse.

          "I don't think so," the nurse replied checking the schedule, "nope. You're fine. And anyway get some rest, you need it after last night" Whale chuckled and politely thanked the nurse before changing out of his scrubs and heading out. He had enough rest, he was getting restless. He decided to take a walk. It was cloudy and windy, the wind nipped at his nose and cheeks and ears. He didn't know where he was going but he found himself heading towards the pier. As he walked to the edge of the dock all the feelings from the night before came rushing back at him. He looked down at the water with quivering breaths. No one would know, no one would even care. There's no Ruby to save me now. Ruby. The slightest thought of her sent him reeling back. Then he thought of her in the night, and the wind softly blowing through her hair, the way she looked at him desperately for a response, how she herself opened up to him. Ruby would care. But would she? She just needed me for the operations, that's all. He wandered to the edge of the dock once more, took a few deep breaths and leaned forward...

          "NO!" he yelled out loud and stumbled backwards and fell onto the concrete. "No." he breathed out and sat on the concrete and looked up at the cloudy skies with tears stinging his eyes. He needed to turn his life around, needed a second chance. And there was one way he was going to get that second chance. He needed to find her, he needed to find Ruby. So he went to the first place he imagined her: Granny's Diner.

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