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My eyelashes opened tiredly, tired of the warm light streaming in through the window. I lay in a strange bed, between strange pillows. I turned over in fright to find myself face to face with Amane, sleeping peacefully. One of the boy's tanned arms rested on my waist, holding me captive. I carefully lifted his hand, slipped out of his grip, and checked that all my clothes were on. I had them all, thankfully. I scanned the room carefully, looking for my valuables, but then remembered that I had left everything at home, as a precaution. The room looked even better in daylight than it had last night. White and dark brown dominated the colours, making the space feel spacious. There wasn't much else in the room, a bed, a dresser, a wardrobe, and of course a huge plasma TV with game consoles connected to it.

I was so engrossed in contemplating Amane's room that I startled when I heard a rustling sound from behind me. I thought the boy had woken up too, but he just rolled over onto his other side, revealing his elaborate abs. I rested my gaze on his tanned abs. My God, why do boys always have to sleep shirtless?!

I waited for a few minutes, watching the boy's steady breathing, and was about to sneak out silently, but I couldn't take my eyes off his muscular torso. I stepped closer to him and continued to watch his smooth features. When I was sure he was really asleep, I gently stroked his chiseled upper body. His silky skin slipped into my palm as I caressed his belly, but suddenly I felt a large, warm palm on mine.

Amane watched my blushing cheeks with a smug smile, his amber eyes twinkling mischievously in the shadow of his long lashes.

"Well, well, well, you can't resist me as much as you thought, can you?" He asked the sardonic question, raising one dark eyebrow.

"Of course I do." I would have pulled my hand away from his muscular stomach, but his big palm made me stop.

"Come on, you can touch it for all I care!" He winked at me as his fingers traced delicate circles on the back of my hand. His touch made my stomach clench and I felt his skin heat up under my hand.

'If you play like that, so do I.' I thought to myself, smiling devilishly. I freed my fingers from the grip of Amane's palm and began to gently caress the boy's belly. I could feel the muscles twitch at my touch as I traced shapeless, abstract patterns on the boy's belly. I listened contentedly to the boy's ragged breathing.

"Are you satisfied now?" I whispered, touching my lips to his lips for a breath, and then leaning back I pulled away from him. After a quickly passed greeting, I was out of his room.

"We'll meet again, Ne" I heard his laugh, but I ignored it. I was only anxious to leave the house as soon as possible. This little interlude had undoubtedly triggered something in me, but I remembered the boy's girlfriend Mei, who had been jealous of me from the first time we met. Perhaps she had guessed that this would happen? That one day I would wake up next to her boyfriend and not her? Thoughts like these and others like them ran through my mind as I walked home in the quiet of the morning.

Last night I came with Aoi and her family, so now I had to get across town without a car. I reasoned with myself that my mum and dad would arrive around noon, as they weren't early risers. Luckily I had some money in my dress pocket, so I headed for the nearest bus stop. I didn't have to wait too long for the bus that took me close to where I lived. I boarded the bus, bought my ticket and tried to ignore the stares of the onlookers. I had an idea what they might think of me from my short, rumpled dress and dishevelled hair, but there, at that moment, I didn't care.

When I finally got home, I quickly switched on my mobile to see if anyone had called. There were three missed calls and ten messages from Aoi inquiring about my whereabouts. I quickly texted her to reassure her, and she told me to call her as soon as I could. I also received a text from my mother, confirming my suspicions that they would arrive around 1:30 pm.

After checking all this out, I went upstairs, let myself have a bath, and peeled off my sweaty clothes, which still smelt of Amane here and there. I grabbed a coconut-vanilla bath bomb, and with it, I plunged into the lukewarm bubbles.

I watched as the coloured ball dissolved in the water, then I tilted my head back and tried not to think about anything, but I couldn't really do that. In my head, the events of the night were replaying over and over again. The kiss, the memory of which made my stomach tingle. After we went out on the balcony again to look at the stars, I had another unpleasantness to deal with. There was only one armchair on the tiny terrace, so Amane automatically pulled me into his lap, shattering our agreement that we were just 'good old friends'.

I shook my head to clear it a bit, to make sure it wasn't just Amane, then got out of the bath and wrapped my body in a soft, mauve towel. I dried my hair, put on a pair of comfy baby blue shorts and a linen white top, then dialed my friend.

"Hey! I was worried about you." Aoi began reprovingly, then told the story of their night with Akane, and I suddenly understood why I hadn't found them on the dance floor. We talked about the party for a while, but luckily Amane never came up. I was glad my friend was too drunk and too busy to notice what was going on between Amane and me. I didn't want to tell her about the kiss either, so it was just in time that I heard the sharp ring of the front doorbell, signaling that my mothers had arrived.

I hurriedly said goodbye to Aoi, then hurried downstairs to open the door for my parents. As soon as the white French doors opened, my mom threw herself into my arms, hugged me tightly, and gave a kiss onto my forehead. Talking about late flights and New York hotel rooms, we entered the kitchen, where unfortunately only the huge white dining table was lurking, given that I had forgotten to make any food for mum and dad.

"We had already eaten lunch on the plane." Mum bailed me out, as usual. "I'd like to walk to the park, do you want to come with me?"

I considered the idea for a few seconds, but finally gave in. It was almost a tradition with my mom and I to walk to the park near our house after they got home and have an ice cream at our favorite ice cream shop. We did it again this time. Licking my favourite strawberry-vanilla combination, I listened to my mum's story of Italy, where I used to accompany them on holiday.

My mind wandered, taking in the familiar, gnarled trees and the playground where I used to play so much as a child. My eyes caught a couple who seemed to be very into kissing. The girl's long, blonde hair looked familiar, but I realized too late who it was, because she parted her lips from her boyfriend's and leaned back a little, so he noticed me just then.

The all-too-familiar amber eyes scanned me in alarm, but I turned my attention strikingly elsewhere. I was no longer interested in Amane Yugi or his girlfriend. We had both made an unfortunate mistake, but it would never happen again. What I couldn't understand, in the midst of all the determined thoughts, was what was causing that uncomfortable, stabbing feeling in the back of my heart.

↪️️to be continued️↩️

。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚ ू ₒ ु ₓ。

Today I came again with an emotional part, sorry for the late update. Now things are speeding up a bit. If you liked the part, vote, comment or follow me. Have a great day!♡

Word count: 1426
Published: 1th of October

𝕱𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖘 // 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓮 TBHK/JSHK fanficWhere stories live. Discover now