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me and Felix went to my room and we went straight to my bed. I was really tired and he was too. We cuddled and I closed my eyes.

"Sungie?" he said


"Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah of course." I said tiredly

"I' going on a date with hyunjin."

I was never awake so fast.
I quickly sat up and looked at him.

"Did I just heard right? YOU have a date with HYUNJIN?!" I literally screamed

After a few seconds, my door quickly opened.
It was Minho.

"ARE YOU OKAY?" he asked worriedly

I started squealing and kicking my feet.
Felix quickly put a hand on my mouth so I wouldn't say anything.

"Nothing is wrong, don't worry. He's just weird. You can go back to sleep." Felix said like nothing happened

I was still kicking my feet.

"You sure?" Minho asked

Felix lightly hit my leg so I would stop.

"Yeah." Felix said

"Okay?" Minho said, making a eye contact with me.

I just nodded and he left.

"Tell me all about it. How did it happen? Why didn't I know that?" I asked

"Slow down mate. You didn't know that because you're always hanging out with taehyung or Minho. You're not paying attention to me anymore." he said as he faked cried

"Oh shut up." I said

"Well, nothing that much. He just asked me to go. Nothing special."

"When are you guys going?"


"You have to tell me EVERYTHING tomorrow."

"Of course." he laughed

We then started cuddling again and fell asleep.


I woke up.
Ari was jumping on the couch, Felix was just walking down the stairs.


"Oh of course" I said and picked her up.

"Where is jisung?" I asked Felix

"He's still sleeping." Felix said.

It was really awkward.

Just then, jisung walked out from his room, stretching.

It was the most adorable thing I ever seen.

He walked downstairs and kissed Ari's head. He then went and hugged Felix.

"cuddling me the whole night wasn't enough for you sungie?" Felix said smiling

I looked at them and death glared Felix.

Cuddling him all night?

"You know you love it." Jisung said

I would love it...

Felix just laughed and gave jisung
a kiss on the ch....KISS ON THE CHEEK?!

Why is he being so close to jisung?

Ari noticed my reaction

"Felix, do you like jisung?"

"Of course, he is my friend!" Felix said happily

"But do you LIKE like him Felix? Because Minho hyun-"

I immediately put my hand on her mouth.

"Minho hyung what?" Jisung asked with curiosity.

"Nothing." Ari understood.

"Oh, okay." Jisung said

"I'm not really hungry, I will go change and take a shower." Jisung said and left upstairs

After what happened the last time I tried to force him to eat, I let it slide this time.

After the three of us ate in a awkward silence, jisung came downstairs and took a glass.
He filled it up with water and drank it. Then he sat at the table with us. The awkward tension loosened up a little.

"Ari, I will not come home today."

Jisung isn't going home today?

"Why not?" She asked him

"I have something planned with taehyung." He said

With taehyung?

We finished our breakfast and we went to the school together.

The day went by really quickly, because all I thought about was jisung doing something with taehyung.

The last time taehyung took jisung out, he got hella drunk and I had to take care of him.

Was I worried?
Hell yeah.

The school ended and I met jisung in front of the school.

"Hey Minho, how was your day?" He asked me

"Yeah, quick."

He looked confused, but then he chuckled.

"Like I said, I'm not going home today. I'm not going to the cafe today, so I will sleep at taehyungs house."

Just as he finished that sentence, taehyung appeared.

"Hi Han, you're ready?"

"Of course."

They started walking towards taehyungs car, but suddenly, I had the urge to stop them.

I couldn't let him go.

I grabbed his hand.

He looked confused.

"Minho, what are you-"

"Don't go."


"Just don't go."

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