Picnic (also sorry for bad english)

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Blue slowly opens the door to check if Yellow is working. He wasn't, Yellow was just sitting on the ground, chilling.
Yellow turns around to see Blue.

Yellow: "Oh hey Blue!"
Blue: "Can I ask you a question?"

Yellow looks at Blue curious.

Yellow: "Sure, what is it"

Blue smiles and looks at Yellow.

Blue: "Wanna go on a picnic?"
Yellow: "Just us, together, alone? No one else?"

Blue nods.

Blue: "Yes, of course just us 2, I don't want anyone else ruining our moment!"

Yellow smiles and blushes.

Blue: "Soo is that a yes or a no?"
Yellow: "Oh! Yes, yes, it's a yes, i'd love to."

Time Skip🥱

Yellow and Blue are sitting next to each other, on the hill, enjoying the view.
Yellow is eating Blues's made cookies.

Yellow: "These cookies are amazing!"
Blue: "I'm glad you love them!"

The sun slowly starts to go down. As the sun keeps going down, it makes beautiful colours in the sky.

Blue: "Isn't the view just do beautiful?"
Yellow: "It indeed is beautiful, as beautiful as you are."

Yellow kisses Blues cheek.

Yellow: "The cookies were amazing."

Blue flusters (?) and hids his face. Yellow takes Blue's hands off his face and kisses him.

Yellow: "See? You don't need to embarrassed of nothing."
Blue: "... I hope you didn't eat the cookies that had nether warts in them..."
Yellow: "..."
Yellow: "I'm sure i didn't, and you need to stop adding nether warts as a topping on every food you make. First pizza and now cookies?"
Blue: "..."
Blue: "I'M SORRY! I just... I can't control it..."
Yellow: "I know."

Yellow kisses Blue again, but this time longer.
After a couple of minutes they stopped kissing to catch some breath. They watched the sunset until it turned night time.

Yellow: "Should we go back to Alan's PC?"
Blue: "Sure."

They pack up and got ready to go back. Yellow takes Blue's hand and started walking.

Time Skip again :3

They return back to Alan's PC. Green notices them.

Green: "And where were you guys? WE GOT SO WORRIED."
Blue: "Sorry we were on a picnic..."
Green: "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?" Green sighs
Green: "The next time you gays go somewhere ATLEAST TELL US."

Second shouts from his room.

Green: "Anyways, do you want to repeat what happened last time?!"
Yellow: "We weren't in danger."
Green: "You guys should sleep together more often"
Blue: "Great idea! Go to sleep Green."
Green: "..."

anyways this is the end of this part :3
and before haters say that theyre not ment to be,

anyways this is the end of this part :3and before haters say that theyre not ment to be,

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shut up 🫶 mm 441 words

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shut up 🫶
mm 441 words

YELLOW X BLUEWhere stories live. Discover now