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Deena wanted her nikaah to be read at home.

So, now, we have members from both families sitting in our living room with a nervous looking Ibrahim repeatedly wiping his hands on his legs as he looks around. Zayn and Zaara sit on either side of him and they keep him calm by their non stop talking.

Deena is upstairs with the ladies, including Duaah who's nikaah outfit I still cannot get out of my head. The green dress with the matching net dupatta resting on her head and simple but large jhumkas in her lobes. She looked.. perfect.

God, she is perfect.

I switch between both of the places, when Qazi Saab is sitting with Deena, I'm there too. Phupo tries to create drama by saying that she doesn't want Duaah present during the nikaah. Unsurprisingly, Duaah drops her head and goes to leave but, with a roll of my eyes, I grab the sleeve of her dress and stop her.

"Duaah is going to be here," I announce to the entire room but keep my eyes on Phupo "and she's going to stand right next to me."

I see the shock on phupo's face but she quickly hides it with another scoff. She's not used to people standing up to her, she always gets her ways.

Well, things are going to be different now.

Duaah doesn't say a word, she just stands besides me and Qazi Saab begins. I feel myself get emotional as Deena says "qabool hain" thrice and, maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I'm sure Duaah took a step closer to me just as Qazi Saab places a hand on her head in blessing.

Then, when he comes downstairs to ask Ibrahim the same questions, I stand in the room too, watching as he holds the kids in his lap while saying "qabool hain" thrice, not missing the small smirk on his face as Qazi Saab congratulates the whole room.

The guests then drink their afternoon chai from our house and slowly begin to leave one by one. Ibrahim and I shake hands and I make sure he's a little more intimidated by me through explaining what I would do if he ever hurt my sister. He giggles at first, thinking I am joking, but then his faces drops when I don't laugh back.

"I'm uh, I'm going to say hi to Duaah baji."

I just hum as he leaves. I was only joking. Kind off.

Duaah comes down the stairs just as Ibrahim walks towards them and she grins from ear to ear just as her younger brother wraps his arms around her in a hug, even lifting her of the ground a little bit. She giggles softly before she's placed back down and that sound plays in my head over and over again, making my heart flutter.

"How does it feel," I hear her ask even from the distance I'm standing at "being a married man?"

"Amazing," Ibrahim breathes out "permission to take her home now?"

Duaah tuts and slaps his arm playfully, a small smile still on her face. Ibrahim just laughs at his own joke. Then, his smile drops before he asks his next question.

"How are you?" He asks seriously "is it okay.. living here?"

Her smile falters a little and my heart picks up it's pace. Is she really not okay here?

"It's okay," she tells him "I'm fine, it's more the twins I'm worried about."

"They seem to like it," he nods "Is that Usma churail still bothering you?" Ibrahim questions to which Duaah gasps.

"Ibrahim, don't call her that," she shakes her head "and it's nothing I can't handle. I'm stronger than I look, you know?"

She waggles her eyebrows, attempting to lighten Ibrahim's mood but he just shakes his head with a serious frown. Duaah realises her joke didn't help and just smiles and cups his face with one hand, talking to him in a softer tone of reassurance. He doesn't like Phupo, I know that. I'm just worried he's going to say something to her if he sees her here.

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