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The late afternoon sun painted the mentor quarters in a warm, golden hue, casting shadows of palm trees across the sleek, white interior. Sizzling filled the air as Joe stood at the stove and prepared her ingredients. She hummed softly to herself, lost in the music of the kitchen mingling with the chirping birds outside. The aroma of melting cheese, onions and a variety of veggies with the fresh breeze of the ocean brought in from the terrace wrapped Joe in a comforting embrace of serenity.

So enthralled by her cooking, her phone lay ignored on the counter nearby, its continuous buzzing unheard amidst the bustling kitchen. As she deftly flipped a tortilla, her mind wandered nowhere in particular. And when she transferred yet another finished quesadilla onto the waiting plate, she only thought about how great it must taste.

Unfortunately, her safe haven was invaded at once with the arrival of Adam and Bree. Their exhausted voices greeted her as they plopped onto the couch, spreading out and getting a moment of peace since morning.

Joe smiled at her friends and quickly grabbed two of the readied plates, bringing them to the coffee table. "Here you go, guys. Hope you enjoy." Their answer came in the form of tucking right into the food and moaning once it touched their lips. Joe returned to her spot in the kitchen and shook her head at the display. "Not to ruin your mood but how was the mission? Where'd you leave the rest?"

Adam, first to devour the whole thing, sat up in his seat and shot her a wide smile. "I'll tell you in exchange for another one."

"You'd get one either way." She rolled her eyes good-naturedly and pointed her spatula at another plate on the counter, urging him to stand up and get it himself.

As Adam did just that, Bree took pity on Joe and put her quesadilla down. "Mh. The mission was a success. For everyone but Leo, I guess. Chase is trying to lift his mood." She shrugged but soon elaborated at Joe's surprised expression, "Leo didn't get the recognition he thinks he 'deserves'. Whatever that's supposed to mean."

"I'm telling you," Adam spoke up before Joe could, "it's because of his forgettable name. And face."

Joe chuckled. "Yeah, right. I'm sure people would remember Cinnamon McRoll."

"Good one!" He laughed and high-fived her, arriving at the counter. "I-"

The sound of a timer cut him off and stole Joe's attention away. She quickly grabbed a pair of oven mitts and bent down. A whiff of chocolate hit her face as she opened the oven and pulled out a tray of chocolate chip cookies.

Adam and Bree exchanged confused looks. Joe didn't pay them any mind, jumping from one end of the kitchen to the other, handling more things than she could count.

"Err, Joe?" Bree asked, receiving a hum. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks," Joe blurted out, prompting another exchange between the brother and sister. Adam raised his brows and nudged his head toward the door.

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