Undivided Attention

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Sleep was definitely what my body needed. No, it's what it had deeply craved. I could sleep for another week and still be tired. My lips tingled, reminding me of the amazing and very intense kiss that Wyatt and I had shared. Forcing my eyes open, I took in the surroundings of the room before I got up. My eyes landed on multiple pictures of oceans and forests, setting the calming, tranquil atmosphere of his bedroom. Taking a deep breath, his scent filled my body even though I was alone, but I soon picked up on another delicious smell. 


As I walked down the stairs, following the delicious aroma, I noticed another scent with Wyatt's. I recognized it as Odin, the Gamma from the night of the attack. Not knowing what to expect, I put my guard up, ready to defend myself if it came to that. The hardwood of the stairs felt cool under my feet, giving the ache that resided there some sort of relief. Preparing myself for anything that could happen, I turned the corner and came face to face with the massive kitchen. 

There was a huge island in the middle that also doubled as a table, cabinets that expanded almost three quarters of the way around the kitchen, and stainless steel appliances tied it all together. It's walls were painted in a pale yellow and overall it was a comfortable space for me so far.

"Whatever you're making smells absolutely amazing." My voice was softer than normal, but that was only because I had just woken up.

"Thank you, Alexia." Wyatt smiled at me. My heart began to flutter just enough to make my breath catch in my throat.

Odin stood from his seat at the bar and rushed over to me. My instincts kicked in and as he reached out for me, I wasn't quite sure why. I rammed the heel of my palm into his nose before I grabbed his arm, throwing him over my shoulder. He landed on the hardwood with a solid 'thud'  that seemed to echo into the very foundation of the house, grabbing his bleeding nose and groaning in pain. Odin wasn't a small guy, but at that exact moment, he weighed no more than a bag of flour to me, thanks to all my training. My body took over and adrenaline flowed through my veins, like a river flowing along the banks of the muddy Mississippi.

"I thought you said she was shy and quiet?!" Odin shot Wyatt a pissed off glare before he pulled himself cautiously up to his feet. 

"I am. When a man that's easily three times my size rushes towards me, I tend to protect myself. Especially after Tyler took it upon himself to torture me, but thankfully for me, Wyatt came along." I snapped at him, raising an eyebrow.

I walked over to the sink, determined to wash his blood off of my hand before I dried them on a kitchen towel decorated with lemons and oranges. Hanging the towel over the oven door handle, I moved over to stand beside Wyatt. He looked down at me and smiled while brushing his fingers along my cheek. His eyes were still so mesmerizing to me, pulling me in closer to stare deeper into them. Picking me up, he sat me on the end of the island before turning and opening the oven door, pulling a sheet tray out that held breakfast on it. The enticing aroma that I detected earlier filled my senses and made my stomach growl in anticipation. I haven't eaten since..well, lunch with my parents the other day and I could definitely go for some grub. 

"I know you must be starving, so I made breakfast pizza. It's got sausage, eggs, bacon, cheese, mushrooms, and green onions on it." He spoke, turning to me and setting his oven mitts on the counter next to my fully healed hip. Gently parting my legs, he stepped between them and kissed my neck softly. 

"Everything sounds great, except for the mushrooms. I never liked the texture of them." I admitted. I gave him a small 'sorry about that' smile. 

"That's perfectly fine. I can pick them off for you." His lips tickled the skin of my collarbone before he moved slowly up to my lips.

"You don't have to do that for me. I can eat around them." I blushed, feeling like a little kid again.

"Nonsense. I will not have my Mate pick off the mushrooms that I put on there before asking if you liked them. Please allow me to fix you a plate and remove them?" He lifted me off of the island and set me back on my feet, before turning and grabbing a plate from the cupboard to his right.

I moved to sit at the table, pulling a chair out for myself.

"I suppose there's no arguing with the Alpha, yet." I flirted, giving him a playful wink.

"Exactly. I'm glad to see that you're learning the basics." He laughed. His laugh echoed in my ears, my mind burning it into my memory for the rest of my life. The sound was so pure, so comforting, that I couldn't help but focus on it even more. My heart fluttered in my chest and Eurielle froze in place. 

'If something so positive and happy could freeze us in our tracks, imagine seeing him angry or being possessive!'  Eurielle was eager to find out. 

'If you try something stupid to risk our Mate being mad at us, I will forbid you to shift for an entire month!' I growled a warning towards her to let her know just how serious I was.

"Alexia, is everything alright?" Wyatt asked, concern coating his words.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, everything is perfect. I was just spacing out." I half admitted.

"Do I need to ask Eurielle? I can see it in your eyes that you are thinking hard about something else." He smiled a 'matter-of-fact' smile, knowing that he would win either way. I hated to crush his Alpha ego, but alas, he couldn't always win.

"Just let me have this one tiny piece of happiness to myself. I promise to share it with you soon." I smiled, biting my bottom lip. 

"After breakfast, you'll borrow some clothes from Jasmine. She's Odin's temporary Mate. When they find their true Mates, they'll go their separate ways. Once you're ready to go, we will go shopping for some clothes for you, and then I'm hoping you'll join me for a date tonight?" He asked, letting his eyes raise to meet mine. 

"That sounds like a great plan to me. I'd love to go on a date with you. I might even let you make a move, Mr. Alpha." I winked and began to eat breakfast. The flavors were so amazing that even the aroma couldn't compare to it. My mouth instantly began watering and my stomach growled for more before the first bite even got there.

"I can definitely arrange that." He returned my wink. I felt my cheeks redden with blush, but chose to ignore it. 

"I guess we'll see about that, hmm?" I taunted him. After I was done wiping my mouth, I stood and set my plate in the sink and went upstairs to get dressed. Running into Jasmine along the way, she dropped the clothes and travel sized toiletries she was carrying.

"Care to watch where you're fucking going?!" She snapped. Her red hair fell down past her shoulders and her blue eyes looked like stormy seas, a deep anger or irritation setting in. I couldn't help thinking that it was because of my presence here, but she hadn't even met me yet. No one practically had.

"I'm so sorry Jasmine! Wyatt told me that you were bringing me some clothes to borrow. Please, if it's going to be an issue, I'd rather you keep them. I can find something else." I handed her some clothes that she dropped, offered a small smile, and then walked into Wyatt's room. 

"Luna? You are not what I pictured and I doubt that these damn clothes would have fit you anyway. I can already tell that they would be way too small." She spit and walked away, right into Wyatt's chest.

"Gather your belongings, Jasmine. There is no room for negativity here. How dare you be so rude to your Luna!" He was furious. His chest rose and fell with anger that he was holding back from Silas.

"She's no Luna of mine! She definitely doesn't look like she'd be that good at it. You can't kick me out of the pack, I'm Odin's Mate!" Her voice was dripping with anger as she looked over Wyatt's left shoulder and saw Odin's upset expression.

"We aren't Mates. We settled with each other until we found our true Mates. I agree with the Alpha. Negativity doesn't have a place to thrive here. Gather your things and go willingly or I'll throw you out myself!" Odin's voice boomed down the long, stone hallway.

"See her off of the pack territory. I'm going to find Alexia." Wyatt's smooth and soft voice seemed to calm me down as it traveled through the door, but at the same time I was afraid that somehow I had been the one to upset him. 

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