Chapter 4

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Axel was on the last week of his pregnancy, having only six days left. His stomach was only slightly swollen, but he was hungry and tired all of the time and had odd behaviors. At night when the other martians were asleep he could clean up the entire bus until it was spotless (nesting he believed) but by morning his bandmates assumed it was Benatar who did it, though the brit was confused by this. He became angry and violent at the drop of a hat, having picked up Puff by the collar the other day and tossed him out of the thankfully parked bus window for calling him 'Asshole on the Drums'. And he craved freaking salad all of the time, salad of all things! Axel hated vegetables with a passion, and now he couldn't get enough of them. He slept about fifteen hours every day but his bandmates dare not call him out on it seeing his newfound violent streak. And there was the worse part... He was still so ungodly horny all of the time, anytime he was around Benatar he would pop a boner right there, so about half of the little time was was awake he had to lock himself in a room to relieve his problem. He had to avoid Benatar a lot. It seemed to discourage him, he could tell by how much the blonde was moping, probably thinking that Axel didn't like him anymore. Now the two of them were alone in the bus, Puff and Deejay were at a club no surprise, Axel said he was too tired to go and Benatar wasn't the club life kind of guy in the first place. Axel was sitting on his bed checking his trunk to make sure he had the stuff he needed for when the baby was born. No one ever went into his trunk because they were afraid of what was in there, last time Puff went in there he found like six zombie nutsacks and he was thoroughly traumatized. He had two small bottles, a can of powdered formula, purified water, and a small pack of diapers. It was the best he could do to avoid suspicion. Besides, he was still unsure on what to do when it was born in the first place. He still hadn't told Benatar. The baby could move now, it liked to move a lot at night and it made it hard for Axel to sleep, he didn't even know how to make it stop either. It was an odd, alien sensation and he wasn't sure how he felt about it Benatar came into the room and gave Axel a smile before getting into his bunk (which was below Puffs) and climbed under the covers. The soft smile.... it was a small, quiet gesture but it made all kinds of images of Benatar flood into his mind and blood flow right into his groin. Not able to help it he let out a strangled groan. Benatar turned to him looking concerned "Are you alright?" He asked, interpreting it as a painful groan, which it was but not entirely. His concern... The gentle look on his face... The way he completely owned a whole group of gangsters last week with nothing but his keytar... Axel couldn't take it anymore. He slowly climbed out of his bunk, and panting he made his way over to his bandmates bunk before climbing onto it and straddling Benatar's hips - the keytarist stared up at him bewildered. He crashed his mouth roughly onto Benatar's and one arm reached back to dig his fingers into silky blonde hair. His face became super red, and his heart thudded against his rib cage so hard he wondered if Benatar could hear it. They broke apart for air, but Benatar still had his arms around him. Axel was panting and looked his partner right in the face "Benatar... I want you... I really want you... Please, tonight..." Benatar's bangs fell out of his face and his brown eyes were wide "Really Axel? We haven't been together that long." "Shut up and get inside me damnit!" Axel hissed and took his shirt off. Benatar hastily followed suit and soon both of them were naked under the dark blue of the bed covers. Benatar pulled Axel in close for a kiss, before pulling away and whispering into his ear "Are you sure you want to do this? I didn't peg you for the bottom type." "Only for you geek." Axel whispered back in his sexiest voice. It seemed to flip a switch in the brits brain, and all of a sudden Axel found himself being pinned against the mattress, Benatar hovering over him panting with a lusty expression and hazy eyes. 'Damn me if that isn't hot' Axel thought. Benatar roughly kissed Axel, one hand gripping his chin tightly to keep his head in place, and the other one rubbing Axel's chest before exploring further down. Axel gasped when the slightly younger musician gripped his member and began pumping him. They broke apart from the kiss but the keytarist latched his lips onto the drummers neck and started leaving bright red, angry hickies there. Axel moaned and arched against Benatar's hand "D-Damn Benatar..." He panted "Talk ab-about bipolar." He whimpered when Benatar let go of his cock. Satisfied with his work on Axel's neck, Benatar sat ap and moved Axel's legs around his waist, he spat onto his fingers but Axel stopped him "It's okay, I'm already stretched and lubed." Benatar gave him a curious look and narrowed his eyes "Don't tell me you didn't plan this." Axel shrugged "I really didn't... It's just been one of those days." He said with a gapped grin. Benatar pushed into him, Axel's breathing hitched and he moaned as Benatar brushed against that spot inside of him. His hands found themselves gripping Benatar's shoulders, making the situation seem a bit familiar. Similar to the way that Axel could understand Benatar without him having to talk, Benatar seemed to know exactly what Axel wanted without any of the lustful begging often associated with sex. He started out at medium pace but picked up speed quickly, going down on him so hard that when he thrust forward Axel slid forward a little too. And the sensation was so good that Axel didn't care how crazy loud his moans were getting, and he felt some smugness knowing that he'd broken down Benatar's walls and the blonde was just as vocal as he was. "Mmy g-g-Oh god!" Axel shouted in ecstasy. Even though he was borderline celibate Benatar was really good at this, hitting that spot every time. Benatar moaned loudly and thrusting in and out harder and faster than before, pumping Axel in tune with his thrusts. "Uuumh! BENATAR!" He cried, coming all over his chest, and the brits hand. Benatar slid in as far as he could and came deeply inside of Axel, moaning the drummers name softly and his face flushing bright red. Axel went limp, his only movement the deep rising and falling of his chest and he collected himself, his hands leaving Benatar's shoulders and lying limply at his sides on the bed. Benatar stayed hovering over him, sitting on his elbows and breathing slowly before pulling out. "That..." Benatar said, out of breath, rolling over to where he was lying side-to-side with Axel, which was quite difficult since it was only a twin-sized bed "Was fucking amazing." Anytime Benatar swears, he means something with great emphasis. Axel smiled "Totally." He said, then sat up wincing slightly at the pain in his lower back. "That was my first time." Benatar added, more softly this time. The brunette tensed up hearing that. 'He never... That means the drunk night...' Axel shook those thoughts away "Mine to... That way at least." He may have been a player that had sex with a lot of girls, but honestly Benatar was the first guy to fuck him. "But now we're all sweaty." Benatar commented, though with a content sigh "We need a shower." "How about a HOT shower, together?" Axel said and wiggled his eyebrows, which were visible since his hair was all messy and out of his face. Benatar picked up the double meaning right away. He lifted up the drummer bridal style and carried him into the bathroom. "If you drop the soap, you don't even want to know what I'll do to you." Benatar said, half teasing but there was a lust behind it that told him he wasn't just talking. Chuckling, he replied "Try me." The next morning Puff woke up hung over, he didn't remember last night and frankly he didn't even remember coming home. The nerd groaned and rubbed his tender head. He looked at the bunks across from him - Deejay was lying in his bed but Axel's bunk was empty for some reason 'Probably went to go shoot up a library' Puff thought as he regretfully crawled out of bed. He needed Irish coffee to clear up this hang over. His feet touched the floor and he grabbed his glasses from out of his drawer, and his sight became clear. 'What the fuck...' He thought at the odd sight that greeted him. Benatar. Benatar and Axel. Lying down in Benatar's bed. Benatar had his arms slung protectively around Axel and was holding him close. They seemed to be sleeping peacefully, but they had the type of bed head that suggested they went to sleep with wet hair...or after having sex. "What the hell is this about?" He demanded out loud. Benatar cracked open half-lidded brown eyes, tiredly he glared at Puff "Go away." He growled simply and tightened his arms around Axel, pulling the metalhead closer to him before closing his eyes again and going back to sleep. Although this was clearly out of the ordinary and the last thing that the nerd expected, he left them alone. Maybe he was still drunk, and if not... They would explain later, right now he really needed some Irish coffee.

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