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A lock of hair falls onto Lilith's forehead; she shakes it back to look up at Bela. She's laid out in golden brown glory, looking like a goddess against Lilith's burgundy sheets with her legs spread and her hair making waves on the pillows. She'd never gotten around to taking off her jewelry, and the gold pieces wink in the torchlight just like the woman they adorn. Hawke huffs, and kisses Isabela's thigh. "I'd love to, but I'm a little bit preoccupied at the moment, Isabela." A little curl of her fingers to emphasise, and Isabela closes her eyes, arching her hips up in response. "Mmm... yes, but." She rolls her hips. "Who says you have to stop one to do the other?" She thrusts up and down again, eyes lidded and soft. Lilith moment, not moving her fingers as Isabela fucks herself on them. There's very little she enjoys more than the sight of Isabela taking her pleasure freely and unabashedly. Her breasts jump with her movements, and Lilith's eyes flick to them, unable to resist the way her nipples pebble up. Isabela sees her watching, and rolls her palms across the bead of one dark peak, licking her lips in open invitation. Hawke chuckles, and pulls her fingers free. She starts stripping out of her robe as she hops off the bed. "Turn around," she says. "Head to the foot of the bed.Isabela hoists herself up onto her elbows, eyebrow arched. "What's this? Contradicting my direct order? If we were in my territory, Lilith, that would earn you five lashes at the very least." "It was more of a suggestion than an order," Lilith points out. "You should know by now that all of my suggestions are just orders wearing a fancy hat," Isabela says with a wink. "And we aren't on your ship," Lilith adds. She slides Isabela's anklets a little further up her shins, and then grasps her by the ankles to yank her down the bed. It isn't gentle, exactly, but Isabela is grinning, and doesn't stop when Lilith moves in for a kiss. "Semantics," she says as their mouths meet, and Lilith's laughter dies in the space created by their joining, the sound suffocated in the kiss. "Come on," Lilith murmurs a minute later. "You say you want me to sit on your face, but we both know you can't last more than two minutes with someone else on top without getting bored." Isabela shrugs a shoulder and waves one of her hands in a "guilty as charged, but that's more your problem than mine" kind of way. Lilith chuckles. "Let's try it this way." In a few moments, she has Isabela where she wants her. Her head is almost, but not quite, hanging off the foot of the bed, her hair swinging loose. Her legs are drawn up and spread, and one of her hands is already between them, continuing the work that Lilith had started before. The other hand reaches out to grab at Lilith's hip and pull her forward. Accommodating as ever, Lilith shuffles forward, widening her legs so that there's a thigh on either side of Isabela's head. Lilith can immediately feel her breath, warm and labored, and her heart rate doubles.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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